My Christmas Blessings
This year has brought many changes to me and my family. Some good...some challenging. We have had a difficult year financially and my daughter has struggled in ways known only to her and God. Doug and I have tried to be positive and we have searched for peace in every crisis (and there have been several.) Well looks like the cloud is lifting and there is sunshine ahead.
As many of you know, I was a music teacher for many years and for most of my adult life I have worked at least a couple of jobs: my state gig and directing a church choir. Three years ago I was at my heaviest weight and I simply couldn't physically handle working so many hours. As a result I gave up my church job. I still attended but stepped down as director of music. I can't tell you how much I miss my choir because that is my way of worship. The woman *****placed me is fabulous and has done a wonderful job. As it turns out, she has just finished her doctorate and will be starting a new congregation in Brentwood. She is very happy about her new position but it will mean that she has to leave Arlington.
After the service yesterday I was asked if I would consider coming back. I am so happy!!! I love my church and my choir! I feel so blessed to get my life back and be able to worship again in a way that brings me closer to God.
As for my daughter, she is doing great! We have spent many hours on our knees praying that God would lead her out of the darkness and it looks like she can finally see some light at the end of the long dark tunnel she has been traveling through for the past two years.
In addition to all of these wonderful blessings, I have also been given a new circle of friends. I love you all and SO appreciate the support you have given me in my journey to good health. I hope that you all have the merriest Christmas EVER!
By the way, if anyone is looking for a church service tonight, Arlington United Methodist at 1360 Murfreesboro Road will have a candlelight service at 11:00 p.m. It is a very sweet little service that ends with Silent Night and candles! I won't be directing but I'll be in the congregation. We love visitors!
Merry Christmas!
I am so glad things are looking up for you and your family. You are aleays a bright beem of sunshine and uplift so many here. You deserve all the good things that are happening. I hope your daughter continues to work her way through that tunnel. It is tuff I know but I am sure she is greatful to have such wonderful parents who love and support her. Congrats on getting your dream back of choir director that is just awesome and I know you must be so thrilled. Wish you all the best !
Isn't it amazing how blessings and challenges are walked simentanously? But God is good! Celebrate that this Christmas! I love going to my church's Christmas eve service...this year I'll be out of town (leaving shortly) -- so I understand how sweet that time is! God is on the move! Christmas time is here.
Hello my dearest Freddie, I 'm am so proud that things are working out for you. Blessing are are flowing within leaps and bounds and will to be so within your daughters life.
I just love to see your smiling face when we are at luncheon. You like so many others are such an inspiration. And talk'n about a luv bug. God always knows when you need a break, and when you stepped down, that was your time for a break. But now sweetie, BREAK OVER!!! Time to get back to work. Time to shine again. And boy have ya got alot to shine about. God Bless you and keep you.
What a Blessing Freddie! Congratulations!
I know where you are coming from with music. My original intention was to become a band director. After several detours along that path, I ended up leading music in a small Nazarene church. From there I progressed to singing in a choir and eventually being one of four worship leaders ina a praise and worship band. That's where Beth and I met up. After 5 years in the praise and worship band, I ended up not pursuing music at all.
Now jump foward to present day. About a month ago, I told Beth and RJ, I was going out for a while on Sunday afternoon. They asked, but I refused to tell them where I had been. When I got home, RJ looked at me and said, "You went to choir practice" (click for my blog entry that day). Eveidently RJ saw something different on my face when I returned. We had our Cantata last sunday and it was great.
I know we all worship in different ways, but music speaks to my heart and soul like nothing else. When I am singing, I know there is a God, simply because He has wrapped his loving arms around me!
I wish you, Doug, and Ashley the best Christmas ever!
Proud to be your friend!