Bored on a Saturday night...
Awww.. thanks Darlene! My husband and I had the hardest time deciding on a crib. It was like buying a car lol My co-workers packed up all the leftovers from the party and sent them home with me. I've been enjoying the cheese ball with those veggies..munching all bad I know, but at least its healthy lol I've cleaned and cooked most of the day...maybe that nesting instinct is starting to kick in. I love watching the wizard of oz. I've been watching Lifetime...they are playing their made for tv christmas movies.
I hope you have a great Christmas as well!! :-)
I can't wait to meet my little man next year either lol

Oh yes, I saw The Christmas Shoes for the first time about a week ago and bawled my eyes out! I have always heard the song and would get teary eyed, but didn't know about the movie. I'm glad you got to spend some quality time with hubby and Dale :-)
I remember looking forward to christmas break in college.... it is such a big relief to get that last final exam/assignment over with!! Enjoy your two weeks off!
Everything is almost ready for baby. I still have a lot I need to get for him...but I am waiting until after my shower in January to shop. I'm leaving my job this Friday so I'm going to have a lot of free time on my hands until Nick makes his appearance.
I hope you have a wonderful Christmas Shelia!
Hey Yall, Christmas Shoes has a part two called the Christmas Blessing, it has been a while since I have seen it but Rob Lowe plays in it as well. Today at Noon a movie comes on Lifetime called Christmas Wish with Neal Patrick Harris and at 4 a new one with Jami Gertz and Dylan Walsh called Lost Holiday/Shemwell Story it is based on a true story, it looks like it will be a wonderful one as well. We watched Snowglobe yesterday too and it was so cute, I think we are planning on today being another family movie day, our treat for Christmas, we never just sit around and watch TV all day long, I am so looking forward to it again, I taped a Family Holiday and an Accidental Christmas so we will probably watch them. I have a big pot of turkey chili on and that is what we had for dinner and there is enough for today and tomorrow as well, so no cooking for me either.
I do have to finish my paper for one of my classes tonight and my finals are due after the break, so I will have some time to work on it during the break. I am actually off wor****il the 2nd of January, I took annual time, unfortunately my husband is off the week I go back, but that gives Dale and I some time together and Todd and Dale some time together, I do not have classes that week so it will be more enjoyable during that time.
Working full-time, going to school full-time, being a Mom and Wife full=time and a half, as well as, everything else I am trying to do is really playing a toile on me and I can't wait to have a small break from school. If I did not care so much about my grades, I could probably relax more, but I am #3 for a full scholarship once I graduate this fall with my associates for my bachelor’s degree and that would be a blessing. Currently, I have a 3.97 GPA and I have a 100 in both of the classes I am in right now which will bring that 3.97 up to a 3.98. I know one thing, I hope yall all plan on coming to my graduation this year, because at 39 and finally getting to graduate from college with my Associates, it will be a celebration!!!!
Have a Merry Christmas!!!

I watched Family Holiday and Accidental Christmas yesterday and they were so cute!!
A Christmas Story is on ALLLLL day Monday on TBS...another favorite of mine. I have to wor****il 12 on Monday...bummer, but I'll be off Tuesday and Wednesday. I work Thursday..then on Friday (my last day as a workin' gal) I have a doc's appt. in the morning so I'll only be working 1/2 day on Friday. I'm getting soooo nervous about NOT working. What am I going to do with myself??? I have to find a hobby or something!! I've thought about maybe later, in a year or so, going back to school to add on teaching certification to my degree. That way when Nicholas gets older and starts school, I can be working and won't have to worry about day I hate the thought of the work I put into 4 years (including summers) of school going to waste. certainly are super woman!! I thought it was tough working 2 part-time jobs while working on my bachelors...I can't imagine doing that and taking care of a family! You've done great with you grades! I understand having to keep those up b/c of scholarship purposes. While I was in school, I had to maintain a GPA of 3.5 to keep my 4 year scholarship. It was tough..but saved me so much money in the long run. But it also taught me to be more diligent and responsible with my time and to not procrastinate so much.
My hubby has to work this weekend :-( I was hoping he would be off for a 4 day break..but no. My ex-step grandmother (I know...that sounds complicated) is having her Christmas today. I made a cheese and summer sausage platter and a veggie tray. I also made strawberry cupcakes with green icing and red sprinkles for the kids. Looking at them makes me want to puke though lol which I guess is a good thing. The kids will think they're "cool" hahaha. I don't like going over there b/c everyone smokes and most of them are pot heads too. But my granny is soo sweet and I don't want to disappoint her by not being there.
Your turkey chili sounds really good! Glad you don't have to cook for the next couple of days!