
on 12/21/07 8:16 am - Nashville, TN

Hello everyone! I am new to all of this, but here goes! Last week I got my call from Dr. Spaw's office at Baptist that I had been approved and have a surgery date of Jan. 21! Which is kind of wierd since my birthday is today, Dec. 21. I'm taking that as sign everything will go well. I'm suppose to be the first one that day and have to get there at 5:30 am (I am not a morning person at all!) I switch between being excited and scared to death. Is that normal? I know I'm doing the right thing, but it still seems a little scary. Anyone got any advise as to how to prepare for this major life change?  Thanks! Samantha

on 12/21/07 8:32 am - Goodlettsville, TN
Hi Samantha, and Welcome to the TN. board.  Hope you enjoy the learning experience.  The information that they pass along on the board and at the  get togethers are exciting. If you have any questions their are so many folks here with alot of information that is very useful. Along with the caring that  we all share with each other it is wonderful. Again welcome. Hugs Barb
Susan J.
on 12/21/07 8:41 am - Madison, TN
Happy Birthday!
 ahem, hem...mi, mi, mi, mi... Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Hap-py Birth-Day Dear Samantha! H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y to youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!! Be very, very glad you can't hear me singing this. Congratulations on your surgery date too. You can be the next in line for Dr. Spaw's late January losers. Shelia and I had our surgeries almost exactly 1 year apart with Dr. Spaw. We love him to pieces and you will too, if you don't already. It is absolutely normal to switch between excited and scared to death. This is a big decision. But, it is one that is going to change your life in so many wonderful ways. My best advice is to come here often, post your questions, your fears, and your victories. We are all here for each other. Also, get involved in support groups. Come to the one at Baptist of course but we also invite you to get involved in our monthly luncheon or dinner if at all possible. It's important to be involved with people who are going to understand the struggles and the seemingly minor victories that we call "Wow moments". Welcome to the group!

Susan (AKA bilsrib) 
300/135/135 - Plastics February 2008 - Dr. Lois Wagstrom

P E A C E - It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.

on 12/23/07 9:18 am - Nashville, TN
Thanks for the Happy Birthday song! I really like Dr. Spaw and have heard nothing be great things about him. I will stay involved in the support groups.. I have a great support system, but there is nothing like talking to someone who has been there...done that. Samantha
on 12/21/07 9:18 am
Welcome to the Tennessee Board, Samantha!  We're really glad you're here!  Dr. Spaw is my surgeon and in my opinion...there's none better!  He is an incredibly gifted surgeon with a heart of solid gold.   As Susan said, this support group will be of great help to you.  I have learned so much from this wonderful bunch of folks.  Anytime you have a question or concern...this is the place to post it.  There is a wealth of experience here and everyone is so kind.  I hope that you will settle in and feel at home. Happy Birthday and I look forward to meeting you very soon! Freddie
  Before WLS              
Before......   Surgery......  Post-op.....
on 12/21/07 9:50 am - Cosby, TN
Welcome to the board and Happy Birthday. I have a surgery date of Jan 21 also and I am in the same boat as you excited and scared.  We will get through this.   Sue


on 12/23/07 9:24 am - Nashville, TN

Sue, We will have to keep in touch since we will be giong through the samethings at the same time! I don't know about you, but I have all my "favs" I want to get in before Jan 7th when I begin my pre-op diet. Most of them involve chocolate! Where are you having your surgery? As I've mention mine is a Baptist with Dr. Spaw who I have heard nothing but great things about.

on 12/21/07 11:24 pm - Springfield, TN
Wow we just have new ones coming out of the woodwork! I am loving it ! Welcome to the board and Congrats on your surgery date !

on 12/23/07 9:14 am - Nashville, TN
Wow! Thanks for all the supporative messages. I'm glad to know that what I am going through is normal. I'm sure I will be asking more questions. My biggest issue is sweets! I'm a type II diabetic and have been on meds for about 11 years. The main reason I am having the surgery is the hope I will be able to totally get off of any and all medication, well except for the vitamins and iron pills. I will gladly exchange one for the other  I look at the weight loss as a bonus and getting my health back is my main focus. I'd like ot get an idea of how many you who had type II diabetes have successfully gotten off theor diabetes meds and have no trace of high blood sugar.  Thanks again! Samantha
Susan J.
on 12/23/07 9:56 pm - Madison, TN
I was diagnosed with type II about 12 years ago. I was on 2000 mg Metformin, 30 mg Actos and 15 mg Glipizide. My primary was talking about putting me on insulin. He knew I was just waiting for insurance approval to have WLS so he held off to see what the surgery would do. I did have to have some insulin while in the hospital but, I left the hospital off all of my diabetes meds. My blood sugars and hbA1C have continued to drop as the weight came off. My last A1C was 4.9. It freaked my primary out a bit that I came off all of the meds so fast. But when he saw my numbers he was just amazed. Even now, almost 2 years later, he just smiles and shakes his head in amazement when I go see him. I was his first WLS patient so he really did his homework to learn what I needed from him. He now has several patients who have had or are going to have WLS.

Susan (AKA bilsrib) 
300/135/135 - Plastics February 2008 - Dr. Lois Wagstrom

P E A C E - It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.

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