Saw Scott and Delivered his LOSERS Bench

on 12/18/07 9:19 am - Nashville, TN

I just returned home from the hospital, where I saw  Scott and Beth, Beth is doing wonderful now after  a really stressful day and a BIG hug from me!!!!   Scott on the other hand, was in pain and the pain meds  did not seem to be working for him, he was grinning  and baring it, therefore I did not have the heart to  take away his pain med button as I had threatened  after the other situation!!!!   When I gave him his LOSERS bench from all of us, he was really  touched and very surprised, especially after I told  him that it was at the Christmas party and he had  not clue!!!  We got one over on Scott; mark that on  the calendar, because it may be few and far between!!!   He has not gotten up to walk yet, but they said that  he will probably be getting up around 8-8:30, so please  keep him in your prayers.  He said he was concerned  when he saw that it was and he had just gotten out  of surgery, but everything has gone well considering his surgery took 51/2 hours!!!   Welcome to the LOSERS bench Scott!!!



Juanita came while I was there and she has a couple of pictures of Scott to post later, so we have blackmail pictures!!!  YEAH!!!   Although one of them is of  Scott and the LOSERS bench, goofy pain med smile  and all!!! Shelia


Melissa M.
on 12/18/07 9:38 am
I'm glad that you have gotten to see him.  I am sure he was really surprised about his bench.  Jim is planning on stopping in tomorrow for us and I have to be at the dr Thrusday so I will go before the dr appointment.   Melissa
on 12/18/07 10:23 am - Nashville, TN
He was even talking about your Christmas present from Jim that you picked out yesterday, I am so glad you are doing so well!!!
Melissa M.
on 12/18/07 10:30 pm
Thanks Shelia- I really do feel great.  I am not as near as sore as I thought I would be.  Now on the other hand, I am brusied from head to toe- I look like I have been beaten.  I was very pleased with my christmas gift, it arrived yesterday - Yeah me!.  Thanks for hugging Beth till we can get there, Melissa
on 12/18/07 1:40 pm
Hip Hip Hooray For Scott!!!!!!  

on 12/18/07 6:24 pm - Sevierville, TN
  I am sure that Scott was thrilled with the visit.  What is the "Losers Bench"? I am glad he is doing well and hope the pain meds kick in! You guys are the greatest group!  Makes me wish that I lived closer to Nashville, not just having surgery closer.

                      Smoky Mountain Obesity and WLS Support Group 
                    1/17 6:30 LeConte Medical Center              

on 12/18/07 9:43 pm - Madison, TN
I'm glad that he is doing great, and I thought about him all day long hoping things were going well....   Shelia, my mom asked about you.  She wanted me to tell you that she asked and wondered how you were doing. 


on 12/18/07 11:20 pm - Springfield, TN
Hey all. I have the photo's on my profile.I have some serious blackmail leverage here. : )  I just have to say Scott looked really great and Beth you are so brave and I know you were so worried. I have to say a big THANK YOU BETH, you had all this going on and you took time to bring me SF peanut butter cookies, which by the way are delicious ! You are so thoughtful. HJope you were able to get  some much needed rest, both of you.. Welcome to the losing side Scott !!

on 12/19/07 12:22 am - Hermitage, TN
Love the pictures! It's good to see Scott doing well after surgery. 


on 12/19/07 12:29 am, edited 12/19/07 12:30 am - Goodlettsville, TN
I am so glad to hear that Scott is grinn'n. He looks so perky. Glad that ya'll got to spend some quality time with him and Beth, and to know that he is on  his way to a speedy recovery. He looks awesome, for someone just coming out of 51/2 hrs. of surgery. You'd think he had just laid down in the bed. It won't be long before Scott will be back on those skates and going round the rinks faster then those young wiper snapers. They will think that  he is the road runner   Hugs Barb
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