Let's play get cought up!
Well, let's see if I can get everyone caught up on what's been going on in my life.
Thursday was the day for my new journey,to begin and boy it began. Got to the hospital adn was doing great, until time for the IV. (Seven pokeslater......) a IV was inserted and soon I was off in sleeply land. Wished I had dreamed about somethingnice, but I don't remember. My husband was called to let him know that they had started the surgery, about 30 minutes into the surgery he recieved another call that Dr. Richards wanted to speak with him. To switch gears for a moment and fill in some background info on me. I have had three surgeries before. a hystorectomy, adn two hernia surgeries. The last hernia surgery they placed some mesh across my stomach to help reinforce it. Now back to present time. Dr told Jim that because of the last suregeries that I had mu colen and intestines along with some adhesions(sp) had grown into the mesh wall of my stomach. If they continued withteh gastric there could be serious complications with my colen. His suggestions were as follows: Pull out and not contiune withthe surgery or to do the vertical sleeve. Jim placed his faithin the surgeon adn went with the vertical sleeve. You have to know my husband to knowthat this was not easy for him. He never makes quick responses to anything, he has to pray about it, ponder the "what if's" and then come to a conclusion. +He was afraid that if he did nothing that I would be treibble upset. My heart broke for him when he tolf me, I could see it in his face that he was afraid he made the wrong choice. I told him that God was in charge adn he he felt like he made the cright choice I was fine with it. I had to stay in recovery for quite a while, they were having problems with my blood pressure- my only complaint was they never came out and told my family what was going on. Started my surgery at 10:30 and was in a room by 6:00 that evening. A long time for my family not to know what was going on. I am feeling better everyday. Went to church yesterday and even sang in our christmas contata. Of course I was allowed to sit when ever I needed to. I will say though I am hungry. Mind yu that it only takes about one or two bites and I full, but I have never wanted scrambled eggs with cheese so bad in all my life. Can't wait till I can get some. Thank you all so much for your prayers and support, it has meant the world to me and my family. Love and Kisses, Melissa
Oh Melissa. Your poor husband. My husband is the same way and would have been freaked out to have to make that decision. But I know he made the right decision for you.
Wow, I can not believe you were able to go to Church yesterday. You must really be recovering well. Sorry, I do not know alot about the verical sleeve. Do they actually cut any of the stomach or is closer to the lapband where they put some sort of sleeve over it to restrict it?
Well, I am happy you are doing ok and I wish you much success on your weight loss!
159 (current/post-pregnancy)
150 (Goal)
So good to see a post from you! We (of course) were concerned. From what i have read (as a result of your surgery) the verticle sleeve involves cutting away about 80+% of your original stomach. The excess stomach is removed unlike the RnY where it is left in there. You can do a google search and there are several interesting articles and even some cool videos that show the process and explain the differences.
We will all learn about it through your example.
Hi Misty,
I'm Sassy, I had the sleeve on 12/06/07. I am doing great, I think you will be very happy. The down time is so little. I have lost 11 lbs in less than 2 weeks. I flew out of state and had my surgery, I am self-pay, and a friend had used this surgeon.
Actually your Dr. probably took out the part of the stomach that produces the ghrelin , or the hunger, and if you're like me you're just craving some things, especailly when I see them on TV, etc.
Chicken bouillion has become my best friend, I got a great protein shake mix by Matrix at the Bariatric store here in Murfreesboro, it is cookies and cream flavor. Lipton Cup of Soup is great also.
Gotta Go, but write if you have quetions.
Sorry that the beginning was so bumpy, but glad you are doing well now. Feeling up to singing already is great. My dh is the same way, I don't think he has made a decision on socks since we have been married much less on something like this. God gave him the strength he needed when he needed it. I will keep you and your hubby in my prayers that the rough spot has come and gone.