2nd Update on My Brother
I got to go to the hospital today to see Russ. It was really sad, I saw my brother laying there with the tubes in him, and saying I now know how you felt when you've had your surgeries before. I know how you and the people that have stomache surgery feels. I never realized, how sick, and weak you feel after going through something like this. You see Russ has never had anything happen like this before. But think the lord and all of the prayers he is having a textbook recovery. They said that they should be taking out the drainage tube in the morn. and he should be able to go home. And be release to return to work if the Dr. feel that he has healed enough on Friday.
I want to thank each and everyone of you for all the love and prayers for Russ during this time, Our family knows the outreach of prayers and what they can do. God Bless ya'll
Hugs and Love to All
Barb and Family
Thanks so much each and everyone of ya'll, it means so much to us . Scott, I know that you are so busy .bless your heart, I am sure the that your in constant motion trying to complete all task, Please just know that my prayers are with you and your family during you time of time of recovery. Oh and Brian say hey. Melissa it sure was great to hear from you to hon, hope all is well with you. please just get well soon. You got to get better, it is almost my and then Phil's turn. OK!!!!!!!! Hugs to all Barb