Melissa M. Update

on 12/13/07 7:15 am - Nashville, TN

Hey Guys!


Beth just called and filled me in on the latest.   It seems Melissa ended up with the Vertical Sleeve.  The Dr. will monitor closely how she is doing with this (i.e. weight loss, etc.)  If things are progressing nicely with her weight loss, then they will schedule a time to take care of the adhesions on between the colon and intestine.  She is still in recovery and will be given a room later this evening.  Her blood pressure is a little low, but seems to be doing well. 

Now on to the other.  Jim (Melissa’s husband), was given 4 different options as to which surgery would be performed.  Dr. Richards said his choice of the 4 would be Vertical Sleeve, Jim said that would be OK.  Now to Jim’s predicament, he does not want to be the one to tell Melissa what has happened.  I really don’t blame him.  My suggestion would be the Dr. be that person! 

Guys, I want to Thank You for your prayers and support through out the day!  It is such a blessing to be surrounded by such support! 

Once she gets a room, I will let you know!


Love Ya! 

Cheryl P.
on 12/13/07 7:48 am - Antioch, TN
That is better news, but I'm with Jim I would not want to be is his shoes to deliver the news, let the doctor do it, but then again if that is the case, then she might think it is really bad news. I mean it is not the best news, but for sure could be alot worse. Keep as posted when you can and let us know the room number. Still sending prayers for all of ya'll. Cheryl



on 12/13/07 8:29 am - Springfield, TN

oh wow Scott,

I can't imagine how scary that situation can go into surgery prepared for this procedure that you've researched your brain out and actually coming out of surgery with something else. But I've heard wonderful things of Dr. Richards and know he will be with Melissa every step of the way. I hope she recovers well and doesn't take the news too badly. Thanks for keeping us updated :-)



Susan J.
on 12/13/07 11:22 am - Madison, TN
Hopefully the doctor will be there with Jim when he breaks the news. The doctor should be the one to explain exactly what he did and why. Hopefully she will realize they did what was in her best interest. Give her my love!

Susan (AKA bilsrib) 
300/135/135 - Plastics February 2008 - Dr. Lois Wagstrom

P E A C E - It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.

Truly Trina
on 12/13/07 2:09 pm - Nashville, TN
I am sure that Dr. Richards will be there with Melissa's family and he will relate to her what had to be done.  Dr. Richards is really good at describing things in layman's terms and making sure that all of the family members have had their questions answered.  My family said he went above and beyond to visit with them and make sure they were told everything ,he did the entire time I was in ICU.  Melissa is in wonderful hands.    Thank you for the updates Scott.  We will look forward to hearing more.  Our prayers are with Melissa and your entire family.     Truly Trina   aka jaded julie       Start weight 277   Current weight 125     Total weight loss  152
Elizabeth O.
on 12/13/07 7:03 pm - nashville, TN
It's 5 a.m. and I've calmed down some since last night.  Trina, you say that Dr. Richards is a good and caring man, but he was not yesterday after Melissa's surgery!!  I sat with Jim (Melissa's husband) from 10:45 to 4:45 when we FINALLY heard from the nursing staff.  The only way we knew that Melissa was out of surgery was to read the patient update screen in the waiting room.  She went to recovery around 1:30 p.m. and they re-posted about 2:15 that she was waking up "nicely" .  Around 4:30 Jim found a nurse and told her that he was very concerned about his wife, and that no one had come to talk to him or call him with an update.  Five minutes later he got a call telling hin that she was doing well, had some blood pressure problems, to low, but was recovering well and talking.  Their youngest son was there by this time, so I left Jim in Trevor's hands.  I realize the staff at the hospitals are stretched, but I am very disappointed with the doctors and nursing staff at Vanderbilt.  Jim would probably still been waiting past 5 p.m. had he not gotten up and asked about Melissa.  The fact that the surgeon did not call or come out and speak to Jim speaks volumes about his professionalism or lack thereof.  I am so happy that she made it through the surgery.  I am sorry that she is going to have to have more surgery in the future.  She is a dear and precious SIL and I don't like to see her in pain.  We will post more today after we visit Melissa.  Have a great day. Beth
F.R.O.G.  -  Fully Rely on God!  For He IS GOOD!

Truly Trina
on 12/15/07 12:18 am - Nashville, TN
Beth,   I simply wanted to show my support for Melissa by sharing with her my experience and my family's experience.  Why you felt the need to personally attack me is unclear.  My thoughts and prayers are with Melissa at this time.            Truly Trina   aka jaded-julie   Starting weight 277    Current weight 125        Total amount weight lost  152 lbs
on 12/13/07 7:43 pm - Goodlettsville, TN
Oh my, ya'll when it rained it poured. my prayers are just flowin' for ya'll. I don't know how to express how heart felt it was for me when I found out what had happened. As Beth said she is such a Dear even though I've only known her a short time we have pm'd back and forth and kept in touch. I know by god grace and her strenght that  she has within herself she will  have a speedy recovery. I just don't like that fact that she has to go through more. Bless her heart. But I think that Dr. Richards should be the one to explain everthing to her. That away if she should have any type of question he will be there to answer them.  Hugs to all Barb and Brian
on 12/13/07 11:08 pm - Springfield, TN
Thanks for the update Scott. I pray she continues to gain strength and recovers soon.

(deactivated member)
on 12/13/07 11:26 pm
Scott, give Melissa my love. Paula
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