thank you for the advise everyone

on 12/12/07 5:49 am, edited 12/14/07 4:04 am - Halls, TN

 everytime i need help you all give me great advice. thanks so much, your all wonderful!        merry christmas and god bless you,   sandy

one hot mama
on 12/12/07 6:02 am, edited 12/12/07 6:02 am - Tennessee/ Alabama

Ok if anyone has the right to tell ya its me.... We are only a couple days apart.....




Thats the best tell off I can give seeing a you recognize your mistake and I am sure you will not do it again

 Army Wife
on 12/12/07 6:38 am - Springfield, TN
oh wow.... I have no trouble with popcorn, but I am much further out than you. Yes, the head hunger is hard to combat, but you need to think of your physical well being. Please be careful.. you're still healing and your little pouch can only handle so much.



Susan J.
on 12/12/07 6:44 am - Madison, TN
Just remember, that popcorn is cooked in pure chemicals. Nasty, icky chemicals! Patooi, bad chemicals!! I know it smells good but have you every noticed that it doesn't taste near as good as it smells?! You are still learning. I'm sure you will do better in the future. And, yes, you will be able to have popcorn again...when you are farther out. I'm glad you didn't have a problem with it. Remember though, just because you didn't have a problem this time doesn't mean you won't have a problem with it in the future. So remember those nasty, icky chemicals.

Susan (AKA bilsrib) 
300/135/135 - Plastics February 2008 - Dr. Lois Wagstrom

P E A C E - It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.

Melissa C.
on 12/12/07 7:56 am - Goodspring, TN

Susan, I think I needed your words of advice more than anyone else reading this. I am almost 3 months out and tried popcorn for the first time last night. I knew I shouldn't have but it was sitting there in the bowl smelling so good. A small voice kept saying  "a little won't hurt". It didn't bother my pouch but I know it was not a good food choice, especially after reading your reply. That's why I love these boards. There are answers everywhere even when you're not looking. 

                      Merry Christmas to all my OH friends!!

Susan J.
on 12/12/07 8:25 am - Madison, TN
How are you doing sweetie? I'm looking forward to seeing the changes in you. Your face has already changed so much! I'm glad I could help. We are all here to help each other. All of you newbies keep the rules fresh in my mind and remind me that they still apply to me even almost 2 years out. I will tell you that I do have popcorn...occasionally. I measure out 2 cups and enjoy it one kernel at a time. It takes a long time to eat 2 cups of popcorn that way. In the past I could have gone through an entire large movie theatre bag in the time it now takes me to eat my 2 cups.

Susan (AKA bilsrib) 
300/135/135 - Plastics February 2008 - Dr. Lois Wagstrom

P E A C E - It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.

Misty A.
on 12/12/07 10:32 pm - White House, TN
Hi Sandy. BACK away from the popcorn. It is not your friend!! haha. I LOVE popcorn. We go to the movies a lot and we have a standing popcorn machine at my house in our theater room. Popcorn was just something I could not give up. Although, I did not start eating it agian until I was about 5 months post-op. I was to scared to try it before that. And even for a long time, I would chew it really really good and then spit out the little seed or hard pieces that were left after chewing. I was to scared to swallow them. Now, I do not have any problems but I try to eat it without butter and just air popped so it is not as bad nutritionally.  My only suggestion is that you need to focus on protein and getting back healthy from your surgery and get back on track. Do not let your temptation beat your journey to health and weight loss. Tell yourself, I will be back for the popcorn at another time (a later time). You do not have to give up your favorite things and I think that is where the mind and head hunger come from. People who think they won't be able to have those things and it makes them upset and makes those things just too tempting. But if you just know you can have it after you recover more and have started new healthy eating habits and after you learn to take back control of your eating habits so whn you do indulge, you are not over indulging. It is not something you can learn 2 weeks post-op. It is a really hard lesson learned but we all had to learn it and you will too. Just hang in there. Don't beat yourself up about yesterday and start fresh.

159 (current/post-pregnancy)
150 (Goal)

on 12/12/07 11:51 pm - Halls, TN
i never thought of it like that,thank you, i will beat this head hunger! and congratulations on the upcoming birth of your first baby!!!! you are exicited now just wait this is the single most special day in your whole life! and it gets better each day! i have 5 and would have more if i could! what a blessing take care, sandy
Misty A.
on 12/13/07 4:17 am - White House, TN
Thanks. I am looking forward to motherhood (well sort of - still kind of scary thinking about it!). As far as the head hunger, you will beat it. It will just happen one day that you will wake up and you can pass on those temptations. When you can do that, you have won the fight. Once you win the fight, you can start eating things in moderation. We all have our slips/binges but I can not believe how much self control I have now. It did take some time to gain control and you just have to keep fighting it.   Right now though since you are so soon after surgery, you have to just focus on your Docs plan and do your best to get as healthy as possible. You just went through a major surgery. You can easily get complications at the beginning if you do not follow the orders so it is really important right now to fight hard. You definatley do not want to get sick. Keep remembering what you went through surgery for. Good luck with your weight loss and keep us updated on how you are doing.

159 (current/post-pregnancy)
150 (Goal)

on 12/14/07 12:06 am - Halls, TN
when i beat this i will be shoutin' and i will keep my eyes on the plan!(not the food)       a baby is the most precious  and i'm sure you will be a very good mother! it just comes naturally, we were made to know how to care for our baby, alot of good people will try to give you advice, but just listen to your heart and the doc! and if you breastfeed you'll lose weight and be soo close to your baby, he/she will get all the nourishment from your supply of milk that they will  need  for up to a year! so many people think you should put solids into a tiny baby at 6,8 12 weeks! they're crazy! they have a tiny pouch too!   take care, many happy joyious days and nights to you!!!       sandy
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