Sugar Free Marshmallows-YUM!
Hey Peeps!
Well, I have a confession to make...I am a marshmallowaholic. There. I've said it. I just love the way marshmallows melt on top of a cup of hot chocolate. To is just the ultimate guilty pleasure. Of course after having my insides rearranged...I vote no on guilty pleasure...until now. I found a recipe for home made marshmallows made with Splenda. Hallelujah!
Last night I had the most wonderful guilt free luxurious cup of hot chocolate (made with Hood's Calorie Countdown Skim Milk and Gosh That's Good Chocolate Sugar Free Mix) with a big ole fat hunk of Splenda sweetened marshmallow on top. I just love that we really don't have to give anything up...just modify and adjust!
If you want the recipe just click on this link: ml
I hope you love them! BTW, I used more Splenda than the recipe called for. I think I may have used up to 1/2 cup. I also used a Tablespoon of vanilla.
Santa Fred
Oh my goodness Freddie! These sound heavenly!!
Where do you find the marshmallow flavored oil? Would a cake decorating supply place have it?
Susan (AKA bilsrib)
300/135/135 - Plastics February 2008 - Dr. Lois Wagstrom
P E A C E - It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.
Susan: There is a namebrand on the recipe for the marshmallow flavoring. As a matter of fact there is a whole website for LorAnn. They have all kinds of flavorings! I'm thinking sugar free lollipops! Hot Cinnamon! Yippee!!! Happy Holidays! I'm gonna buy the marshmallow oil as well as a couple of others. :) Freddie
Just soon as you have your surgery you will have a nice soft marshmallow to melt in a steaming hot cup of sugar free cocoa. You can have the cocoa right won't be long! I'll bet your sweet wife would whip you up a batch for when you get home.
They do kinda melt down because there is really nothing in them except for egg whites and gelatin and splenda. Just a thought.
:) Freddie Claus