Liquid diets and Christmas parties
If you ask me, it sounds like an episode of Oprah, or maybe Jerry Springer would be more correct. First off, I need to apologize. I spent to much time socializing with friends and not enough time taking pictures. The christmas party was fantastic. I enjoyed seeing everyone all decked out in thier holiday finest. Like Mike said, the ladies were stunning, and the guys weren't to shabby either. It was really nice to put a face to several of our peeps who have started posting. My only regret is I did not take enough time meeting everybody! For those I did not get to meet, I'm very sorry. Maybe we can talk at the next Lunch Bunch!
Now as far as the liquid diet goes, not to bad right now. Especially when that person gets the pizza out of my face! Everything is going well, and progressing as fast as it can go!
I will post what few pictures I do have tonight after work!
Have a great day!
Yet another of my favorite Christmas carols...Living La Vida Liquid!!!! Can't you almost taste the broth? You know Scott...nothing says holiday cheer like a big ole cup of beef broth! Wait...I have an could make a delicious Yule Log! Just line up some delicious jello...decorate with yet another delicious flavor of jello and then cut some of the jello out to look like holly! I'm feeling so Christmasy (new word created just for you!) Perhaps you could make an Advent wreath out of sugarfree popcicles! Pineapple for the Christ candle, strawberry kiwi for the the pink ones and grape for the purple ones! It is yet another idea for a Christmas feast (liquid style!)
:) Freddie the liquid chef
I feel ya Scott I am on day 11 of my 14 day liquied after surgery diet. OMG I have liquids coming out my ears then to make it worse the Dr said wither next week or the week after you can go to phase 3. Ok so I am not looking forward to the mushy food part but gosh you gave me a choice...geesh what to do??????? I am going crazy here deciding what is the right decision. Well your time is coming soon. Will I be eating or drinking by then? Well I really don't know.
Hey did Saturday night's dinner "process" with yesterday being all liquid? HAHAHAHAHA!
I have some more pics to download tonight. I'm just running out of room so I'm going to have to delete some stuff. I need to create a photo site like you have. Especially since I'm getting a digital camera from Santa!! He can't stand it. He wants to give it to me now so badly and I'm telling him, "No, I'll wait until Christmas." I am such a meany...I learned it from Freddie. (smooch)
Susan (AKA bilsrib)
300/135/135 - Plastics February 2008 - Dr. Lois Wagstrom
P E A C E - It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.