Christmas party
OMG where do I begin. We totally enjoyed both parties last nite. The Baptist one was great, got to see several get down and booige!!!!!!!!! We enjoyed meeting everyone that was there. The Hickory Falls one, well I don't know what word would describe the events. The place, the atmosphere, the food, all the "dressing up" or down, then the ornament swap, that was so funny, I knew that all of us was determined to get what we wanted from WLS, but ornaments too........HEHE...And yes Paula, we got the Titans one, it was so cute, is wish you could have stayed and seen, as well as the others that had to go, we missed ya'll, we shut the place down.....Beth thanks for the clothes, I haven't had a chance to go thru them yet, but will sometime this week. Cindy, glad you got to join us, hope to see you at the next one. As far as me and Barbara, well Phil is trying to find a doctor for him, and she had alot of information about some of the doctors he had talked to. We didn't know who if anyone had used theses doctors we was talking about, so that is why we kept it hush hu**** was really no big deal. I hope that you got to feeling better after you got your meds. I was tired when we got home, but it was all worth it for all the enjoyment that I had at both parties. Hope everyone is having a great day.
It was great fun!!! I'm so glad that we were all able to get together for the holidays! We all just get better looking as the months fly by!
Speaking of looking is time for a new avitar! You don't look anything like your picture anymore. I must have asked Beth and Scott at least a half a dozen times who you were because you look so different! Gorgeous...lovely...and so young! Time for a new picture!
Big Kiss and Hug!
I agree with Freddie, WOO WEE, she has changed so much. I had so much fun, hey phil, next time it your turn to be the caboose, Scott and I took an unpublished vote last nite huh Scott????
Ya'll we had a fantastic time!!!!
Thank you so much Susan!!!
I hope that the misunderstanding has been cleared by cheryl. It sure was nice to meet you Cindy.
Hope that everyone
has the greatest of holidays. Hugz to all Barb