Wonderful Christmas Party and more
I really enjoyed meeting you too. You look fantastic. So you are the one behind the tree topper episode. Well now I feel really bad about thinking bad things about Melinda. I was on number #9 of my top ten 10 list of how I was going to torture her.... Now on to make a list for you....LOL LOL
starting weight 277 current weight 125 lost 152 pounds
aka jaded julie
Hmmm..... Well I have just 2 words for you.... "What comes around goes around"...... Okay, that is more than 2 words but I can't think right now..... LOL LOL LOL or is that "What goes around comes around".... Well, I don't know but it is going around.... LOL LOL LOL
starting weight 277 current weight 125 lost 152 pounds
Can you please add me to the list for Christmas Parties and such for next year. I hope this is not limited to RNY patients, I had the lap-band but I am also a looser.......lol
Debbie Pritchard
[email protected]
Hi Debbie.
We are not limited to any surgical type, or any surgeon or hospital for that matter. We are all on this journey together and are here to support each other. We have other lap banders in the group already.
We get together every month. We meet the second Saturday of the month for lunch and again the last Friday of the month for dinner. We post the details of these meetings here on the forum. So jus****ch for the Lunch Bunch or Dinner Club postings and join in.
Welcome to the TN Forum!!
Susan (AKA bilsrib)
300/135/135 - Plastics February 2008 - Dr. Lois Wagstrom
P E A C E - It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.