Wonderful Party
Hello My New Family,
I just wanted to say a big thank you for making me feel welcome i truly did have a wonderful time though i am dealing with pain right now i truly enjoyed everyone you all could not be nicer....I love the camaraderie and laughter and being able to be around people that can identify and talk to me about what i am going through . Now if i can get this back and leg pain gone or waaay under control i will be alrighty
yes you guys are a bunch of fun and i cannot wait to get to know you all better and let you all get to know me better lol seeing i am a bonafide nut as well
..i thought it was a bit rude of Barbara and Cheryl to be sharing secrets all night long
LOL ok just teasing lol well all took my pain drugs lol need to crash to get to church in the morning big hugs and love to you all and if you need me know that i am here for you and i love you guys ....Cindy