Setting up house
Well I have been quite the busy bee... and Tim has been too... I've had him hanging curtain rods curtains, moving the furniture around, we bought new sheets, a faux fur blanket throw pillows, hanging a few pictures we had around the house that were not hung yet... all kinds of stuff! I have also been wrapping presents... usually I HATE to wrap gifts! I vowed that this year, I would wrap every single gift. NO gift bags. And I have held true to that promise... I have enjoyed the season so far.
Each year at Christmas I get depressed. Except for last year. It was a great year. This year, I felt myself feeling a little dread but then decided it was not going to be a depressing one. After all, I had too much to celebrate, and also someone to celebrate it with! We have a lot of events planned for the month of December, and shopping has been productive.
Now... if I could just drag myself into the spare room and clean it up!
I am happy about today. I get to meet Tim's family, the first time I have ever met a boyfriend's family at the holidays! And, tonight of course, coming to the dinner. I can't wait!!!