Surgery in Five Days
If your surgeon has given you a notebook of instructions and it says to bring it, bring it. Also have your insurance card and ID with you. These things go into the hospital with you. Leave ALL jewelry (except a medical ID bracelet if you wear one) at home. Leave your purse at home or in the trunk of your car until you are settled in your room.
In a small bag pack:
slippers - scuff type is best
socks - if you are prone to cold feet
toilet articles - toothbrush, toothpaste, hairbrush, deodorant, lotion, Blistex
*long handled wooden spoon* - this is to assist in wiping after going potty. Trust me, you may need it even if you do not have a problem reaching right now.
I also took my favorite fleece "blankie" as a comfort item.
a pillow for the ride home
I wore loose comfy clothing and my slippers in that morning and wore the same thing home 2 days later. You are only going to be in them for a very short time that morning and nobody cares what you look like at 5 in the morning. This is one less thing for your family/hubby/SO to have to keep up with while you are in surgery. Leave your bag in the car and have your person bring it to your room after you get settled. There is nothing in it that you will need before then.
Susan (AKA bilsrib)
300/135/135 - Plastics February 2008 - Dr. Lois Wagstrom
P E A C E - It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.
This is what I took
2 night gowns
Slippers the type that fit over your feet so you don't slide
Wash Cloths
Panties for every day
Bras for every day
picture of my hubby
Picture of my doggies ( I have 2 Black ****er Spaniels Dixie and Bella)
And I brought hair brush
You will be so surprised how well it goes I was not even nervous one bit this place prepared me so much.
hey susan, dr.colquitt is great, if i didn't have 5 little scars to remind me what i had done, when i went to see him for my post-op visit today i asked him if he really did the surgery! i feel so great! praise the LORD!!! when i went into the surgery i wore loose clothes, took my pillow for the ride home to hold!,wipes and hairbrush,lotion.that's all, the hospitol has in your room when you get there a small tub with comb,toothbrush/toothpaste. everything you need, when you get settled in another person comes in to see if you need the tools to help with cleaning and grooming and stuff where you can't reach places,tie shoes stuff like that! another person brings more goodies like a neat lockable waterbottle, samples of protein, a neat little bag i felt really pampered! goodluck and gooo for it!!
Thanks for all the advice on what to take to the hospital. I love the one about the long handled wooden spoon. I told my husband about it and he said "you'd better get it because if that's a problem I don't think I can help you with it." LOL
Anyway, you've all given me some good ideas on what I'll need and I'll heed your advice.
See you on the losing side.