Me!!!! I love you guys and thanks for your concern!!!
Okay, first of all, glad you are doing better.
Second, I coulda told ya you were full of it! ROFL!
Third, How did you like the Mag Citrate? Did you see on the label where they call it the "Sparkling Laxative"! bwahahahaha
Gotta have a little humor with the bad. Get on a stool softener and increase your fiber so you are going more regularly. We dont want this to happen again.
I knew I would pull you out of the wood work, I had hoped to be feeling better and back at work today, but I have a tremendous headache, sore belly, and still running to the restroom!!!! Not a good combination!! LOL I do take a stool softener everyday, but I will need to increase my fiber even more. My right side did not appear to be having a problem, just the left side of my bowel, strange, but well it is me. I sure hope to be feeling better and back to work on Friday, this is the pits, my stomach keeps girgling and my head is pounding, I believe it is from the clear liquids and the morphine, I always have trouble with migraines after taking strong pain meds!!!
How have you been, PM me, are you going to be there on Saturday?
Love Ya,

I tried calling you at work this morning. When you didn't answer I figured you were not feeling quite up to going in today. I didn't call you at home after that because I figured you would be getting Dale off to school.
Hope you get over the rest of this today and start feeling more like yourself. We want you to be ready to party come Saturday!
Susan (AKA bilsrib)
300/135/135 - Plastics February 2008 - Dr. Lois Wagstrom
P E A C E - It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.
I know, Dr. Spaw is such a wonderful man and he never seems to care when it comes to the care of one of his patients, I was just hoping it would have gone away like the last time, but this was different and continued to hurt so badly. I am not hurting as bad to day, or even close to as bad, but my stomach is very tender, and I am still going to the restroom, all this in combination with a severe headache, probably from the pain meds, normal for me after strong pain meds. I sure hope to be back to work tomorrow.