
on 12/5/07 12:25 am
Ya'll asked for it!  lol  Here goes the posts... I'm wondering about how I'll feel after surgery.  What was your experience with the sensations that you felt?  Was the pain intense or more like dull aching?  Did anyone have any mobility issues?  I've read the healing is easier in a recliner, which I don't have, but I do have comfy chairs with ottoman's.  I have a 17 month old and am worried about not being able to pick him up.  The surgeon did say Monday that I could pull him up to me if I was sitting down.  He said as long as it doesn't hurt me or cause pain, I'd be fine. So, any insight you have would be appreciated!  I can't wait til I'm sitting with ya'll on the loser's bench!

Stacey B

Daniel E.
on 12/5/07 12:34 am - Nashville, TN
I'd say it depends on your surgery type.  If you're having open, then of course recovery time and pain would be significant, but for lap, it's not that bad.  I think they tell you it's going to take X amount of days and you can't lift heavy objects blah blah as a precaution.  I had my surgery on a Monday, I was well enough to go home on that Wednesday and besides some discomfort at my incision sites, I was ok.  I wasn't running marathons and I couldn't sleep on my stomach for 3 or 4 days, but that passed quickly.   As for your picking up your munchkin, depends on how much he weighs, but you should be able to pick him up gently and carry him around if you move slowly and take care not to do too much. Good luck!
on 12/5/07 1:22 am
Thanks, Daniel... I did fail to mention it's laproscopic.  I'm hoping to be up and running no time, but then who doesn't want that!   My lil' man weigh's nearly 30 pounds.  He really, really likes Mommy's big hips, too!  lol  I'm sure he won't take kindly to being told no when he wants me to carry him somewhere.  And that's another reason I want to bounce back so quickly.  I can't wait to feel like playing with him and wearing him out for a change! Glad you're doing well with your recovery... keep up the good work! PS - did you get your tv fixed? 

Stacey B

Susan J.
on 12/5/07 1:33 am - Madison, TN
The post op pain I had was minimal. I left the hospital on Tylenol and never needed anything stronger once I got home. I think a lot of it has to do with your pain tolerance too. The most pain is usually on the left side because that is where the stapler goes in. That is also where your largest incision will most likely be, because of the stapler.  Also, don't get freaked out by the bruising. This is absolutely normal. I didn't sleep in a recliner. In fact, I found it harder to get out of the recliner than a regular chair. I think your chair and ottoman will be very comfortable for being up during the day. Sleep in a regular bed though. I do know that my back hurt for the first few days home. I blame that on the hospital bed. As for lifting your toddler...listen to your surgeon concerning the lifting. If you are sitting and just pull him into your lap, you won't be putting near as much strain on the incisions. Lifting and carrying him could cause an umbilical hernia because one of the incisions is near the belly button. If it causes pain, you've already done the damage. You'll be amazed how little ones pick up on your limitations. I'm sure he will be helpful in keeping you from actually picking him up. I've always been told 6 weeks before lifting anything heavier than a gallon of milk. You're going to do fine!

Susan (AKA bilsrib) 
300/135/135 - Plastics February 2008 - Dr. Lois Wagstrom

P E A C E - It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.

Misty A.
on 12/5/07 2:02 am - White House, TN
I had never had any type of surgery prior to this so I did not know what to expect. I am a baby when it comes to pain so I did think it was pretty painful to recover from. However, by time I went home from the hospital a couple days later, it was much better. I did continue to take my pain medicine at home as needed though. The first couple of days in the hospital was rough and I was happy for the pain button. After that, I was ready to get home in my own bed. The pain in the hospital was more of a stabbing pain but after I got home, it was mostly pain from the incision sites (skin) and from the stomach muscles because you try not to use them to much after surgery and they are really sore to try and move. I pillow agianst me helped a lot. I had a waterbed and switched over to a regular bed during the first couple of weeks of recovery. You should not have any problems sleeping in a regular bed because I didn't. It actually may help you recover faster because of having to sit up in the morning. That was difficult sitting up from a laying position but it gets you used to using your stomach muscles agian and helps you recover faster.  As far as lifting your youngin, I would say the same thing as everyone else, follow your Docs insutructions. I do no think it is a good idea for the first several days unless you  do it like you said from a sitting position. I know I have a fat cat (16 pounds), and I was able to lift her up from a sitting position without to many problems but I would never have been able to pick her up from the ground and carry her around.

159 (current/post-pregnancy)
150 (Goal)

one hot mama
on 12/5/07 2:52 am - Tennessee/ Alabama

I have more of an issue with fatigue more so than pain the incision where the J tube is is irritating I am slowly moving to my stomach when I sleep seems to be easier. I also have a harder time getting out of the recliner than I do the couch. And getting out of bed is liking watching a beached whale trying to get back to sea. LOL Its really sad my husband feels so bad for me, I just want want to get up I don't care how....LOL He goes back to work on Monday so its going to to be interesting to say the least. My hero wont be running to my aid. Good Luck to you. Also I anticipated a lot of pain and it turned out to not be so bad. Just remember when every one tells you to walk walk walk and sip sip sip its so true.


Good Luck to you. 

 Army Wife
on 12/6/07 12:25 am - Hermitage, TN
Stacey, Two words describe my experience post surgery...SEVERE BLOATING!  I had that for about 2 weeks post surgery.  It wasn't really so much pain but absolute discomfort.  I also had to use a recliner for sleeping about a week and a half.  I live by myself and recovered at my parents after the surgery.  Mobility issues weren't that big, but at first I needed help getting out of the chair, and help in the bathroom.  After the bloating went down...I hit the gym! So really it wasn't that bad.  I maybe used the pain pills the first day I was home and didn't need them afterwards.  Feel free to read my blog on my profile.  I wrote about my expereince convalecing after surgery. Hope this helps. -Alyssa
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