Christmas Card List and some other news
Hi everyone,
I've emailed the Christmas card list. Please let me know if any of you who are participating don't receive it.
Now..some baby news.... I had a doc appointment last week. Everything looked pretty good; however, I did get some unexpected news. Apparently, I'm progressing more quickly than expected.. I have been having some real contractions ...without knowing it. My cervix is starting get soft and tender. My doctor told me not to worry but just wanted me to be aware. I'll be 29 weeks on we want Nick to bake a bit longer :-) My doc advised me to stay off my feet as much as possible... no shopping, no housework, no walking long distances.. I'm even getting a temporary disabled parking placard. She did say I could continue to work since I'm at a desk most of the time during the day. But I am quitting my job at the end of December anyways. So, if it isn't too much to ask.... we could really use a few prayers. Like I said, she said that I shouldn't worry and I don't want ya'll to worry either....but a few prayers never hurt :-)
So, in lite of this news... I'm not going to be able to make it to our Christmas party in Smyrna :-( I was really looking forward to getting my hair done and dressing up and seeing everyone else glammed up. But I'm sure there will be lots of pictures ...there better be pictures at least, I'm going to have to live vicarously through you all for the next few months... hopefully!
My next doc appointment is on the 12th. Hopefully there won't be any more progression and Nick will continue to bake in his nice warm amniotic home.
Again, please let me know if anyone has trouble receiving the christmas card list. Everyone, please take care and have a great week!
159 (current/post-pregnancy)
150 (Goal)
Thanks Misty!
Yeah, I've been confused from the beginning about these due dates...when I first found out I was pregnant, I was told a due date of Feb. 9th...based on LMP. Based on when I "should" have ovulated, my due date would have been Feb. 15th..however my various ultrasounds dated me anywhere between Feb. 20-24th. So based on ultrasound dates and the time the deed was done...we're not really sure b/c it had been busy, crazy month. I'm really baffled that we were even able to conceive since we were so busy and really had no time ....we're guessing Memorial Day since hubby and I were both off from work... if that is the case, then the 20th-24th seems more accurate...unless there was some sort of miracle and immaculate conception took place lol OR hubby has the super duper long lasting kind of spermies hahaha. Oh and the weird thing is, that month I had bought some cheapie ovulation tests to start charting for when we were ready to REALLY start trying to get pregnant but they never showed I ovulated. So ..I haven't the slightest clue... I am just going with what the doc says. She has been doing fundal measurements and I have been measuring ahead...but those measurements aren't usually very accurate. I wish I could have another ultrasound to see what the baby is really measuring...but my doctor won't do one unless there is something wrong that requires one.
How are you feeling?? Any morning sickness yet?? Have you found an OB?
~~Elena WLS date: May 8, 2007
272/195(pre-preggo)/211(at delivery)/188(current)/140
***Mommy to beautiful baby boy***
Gabriel Skye Dench, 4/30/08, 6lb 6.4oz, 19.5in