Getting REALLY scared
Good morning Marilyn. I agree, there are days I'm am scared to death and days I'm happy as a kid on Christmas morning. Believe it or not...this is normal! I thought my family would be upset about my surgery this close to Christmas. for the most part, every one is on board with the decision. My sister is having her surgery on the 13th (gastric bypass also). So, we have both reserved the recliners at my family's home for Christmas day. I've explained to RJ (my 9 1/2 year old son), that he will be my helper while mom is at work. At the moment he seems OK with it, but that could change by the time I finish this post.
Anyway, it is normal to be scared! But I take it from your screen name (Nsg4Him), you have already laid your thoughts and concerns at the foot of the cross. So, you and your family will be in our prayers, I ask that you do the seem for me and mine! Merry Christmas!

Honey, you are being very unselfish by doing this surgery. You are taking an opportunity to have a happy healthy, longer life. Your daughter is just scared, she is afraid to lose you and just doesn't want to take the chance. We will all be sending up prayers for you, so you will come through with flying colors. Just tell your family to think about all the Christmas' you will enjoy by having this surgery this year.
Only you can make this decision. Pray about it and ask God for guidance. I have one child and if something happens to me, she would most likely be forced to go live with my horribly abusive ex-husband (of whom she has not memory since departing from him just after her first birthday.) I was not able to be the best mom to her because I was hindered by my weight. When she needed me to be there for her, I was too ashamed of being so heavy to get out of the house. I always had an excuse but the truth was that I was physically unable. Since my surgery we have been able to do so much together! It is wonderful to live my life again and to be able to share more with my daughter (she is 16 now.)
Pray about it, let God guide you and then whatever your decision it with gusto!
Good luck!