It's Been Nice Here But...
It really irked me to read the disgusting bragging of some that have had this surgery only to turn around and abuse it. I can only imagine how they were before getting this tool. I just wonder how humble they were. And now that they have it it's all going out the window and it's a joke to poke fun at eating things that they actually know are going to make them ill and yet they continue to eat. Hey, what can I say some people bring things upon themselves. These same people were probably some that wanted to beat the hospital door down to get where they are. I ask myself do these people that are making it a fun thing to eat and brag about what they ate and how sick it made them deserve to be ranked with those of us that are REALLY looking for a better tomorrow. I may be taking what I read too hard, but personally I don't think so. I am a firm believer that if you have gone thru something like this to get a second chance, maybe a better chance than what you had in the beginning that you take heed to what you learned and cherish that new life. I wasn't seeing that. At least here on the TN messageboard, I know that the people are real and responsible and I have never seen anyone get on here and brag about eating the things that make you terribly ill and continue to stuff yourselves and compare your notes with others that are eating just as bad and making just a fun thing out of it. So, perhaps I'll meet some of you one day on a crowded losers bench. Stay happy but most of all stay healthy, it's what you worked so hard for.
Diane J.
Miss Diane,
I sure hope you haven't left yet. I had a similar problem on the RNY Board people were mean rude and disrespectful. Also there was this lady who was bragging about eating a cheese burger from this greasy place in Auburn Alabama its actually my favorite place but I know with this gift I am given I would not even take a 2nd look at that place but for her it was like a badge of honor to be able to eat that 2 months out. I as a pre Op felt this was a slap in the face. So you see I completely understand how you feel. I have since found the Tennessee Room and I really like it here. I understand how you feel about never meeting people off here but maybe you may need to just vent or talk about a good day or even a bad day leave it open don't walk away. Who knows you may even be on at a time someone needs you. Do not take away someone else's chance to get good quality information. Not all of us take this 2nd chance lightly.
Thank you
on 11/27/07 9:10 am
A casual stroll through the lunatic asylum shows that faith does not prove anything.

159 (current/post-pregnancy)
150 (Goal)