It's Been Nice Here But...

Diane J.
on 11/25/07 9:57 am - shelbyville, TN
I just thought I'd say my last words before leaving the site. You know I have met some good people here, some that I think that if it weren't for the distance we would be very good and close friends. No, nobody's done anything to me I just feel as though I've seen enough of the good, the bad, and the ugly without Clint Eastwood to be the star of it all. I was just a lurking around and I came upon this one place here that was just too much for me.

It really irked me to read the disgusting bragging of some that have had this surgery only to turn around and abuse it. I can only imagine how they were before getting this tool. I just wonder how humble they were.
And now that they have it it's all going out the window and it's a joke to poke fun at eating things that they actually know are going to make them ill and yet they continue to eat. Hey, what can I say some people bring things upon themselves. These same people were probably some that wanted to beat the hospital door down to get where they are. I ask myself do these people that are making it a fun thing to eat and brag about what they ate and how sick it made them deserve to be ranked with those of us that are REALLY looking for a better tomorrow. I may be taking what I read too hard, but personally I don't think so. I am a firm believer that if you have gone thru something like this to get a second chance, maybe a better chance than what you had in the beginning that you take heed to what you learned and cherish that new life. I wasn't seeing that. At least here on the TN messageboard, I know that the people are real and responsible and I have never seen anyone get on here and brag about eating the things that make you terribly ill and continue to stuff yourselves and compare your notes with others that are eating just as bad and making just a fun thing out of it. So, perhaps I'll meet some of you one day on a crowded losers bench. Stay happy but most of all stay healthy, it's what you worked so hard for.

Diane J.

I'm not fat, I'm just wearing my parent's fat jeans (genes). I plan to pull 'em off and put 'em in the dryer and shrink 'em up soon

one hot mama
on 11/25/07 10:50 am - Tennessee/ Alabama

Miss Diane,

I sure hope you haven't left yet. I had a similar problem on the RNY Board people were mean rude and disrespectful. Also there was this lady who was bragging about eating a cheese burger from this greasy place in Auburn Alabama its actually my favorite place but I know with this gift I am given I would not even take a 2nd look at that place but for her it was like a badge of honor to be able to eat that 2 months out. I as a pre Op felt this was a slap in the face. So you see I completely understand how you feel. I have since found the Tennessee Room and I really like it here. I understand how you feel about never meeting people off here but maybe you may need to just vent or talk about a good day or even a bad day leave it open don't walk away. Who knows you may even be on at a time someone needs you. Do not take away someone else's chance to get good quality information. Not all of us take this 2nd chance lightly.


Thank you



 Army Wife
Darlene H.
on 11/25/07 12:38 pm - Pinson, TN

I can understand why you feel this way Diane.  just know that we are here and if you need us in the future, please feel free to come back and visit.


Darlene Hughes
     Tangled Lights

on 11/25/07 6:33 pm, edited 11/25/07 6:33 pm - Nashville, TN
Diane, I understand how you feel!  I have seen the rants and brags from these people also.  That is why I simply use the TN Board as my main source of support.  There are several people on the RNY board that truly disgust me, but on the other hand, there are several who I find very supportive and encouraging.  Don't leave!  I am not begging you to stay, I am suggesting that you hang out here!  Be that supportive person that someone might need!   It's just like watching TV.  If you see something you don't like, or don't approve of...change the channel!  No one is forcing you to watch that particular show!  What ever your decision might be, I hope you have found that we will be here to support you and respect your opinion! Have a great day!
on 11/25/07 9:27 pm - Springfield, TN
Diane, I certainly hope that I am not one that you are referring to. I have been overweight all my life and food was very much an addiction to me. Like any other addiction there are steps you have to take to break it. I am still learning along the way of the triggers that make me want to eat. This surgery saved my life, that I know for a fact. If I have come off in any way as bragging or irresponsible I apologize, it was never my intention. Just want  you to know that I personaly am here for you if you ever need a friend, support or anything just ask. I hope you change your mind and decide to stay.

Daniel E.
on 11/25/07 11:03 pm - Nashville, TN
You can't leave!  I just freakin got here!!! I've been in the RnY forum for a few weeks and have yet to experience any bad or obnoxious posters.  In fact everyone seemed to be kinda nice and helpful.  And luckily I haven't seen anyone bragging about making themselves sick or happily eating the wrong foods.  Although I did take issue with someone who didn't have a problem with gorging on mashed potatoes. Meanwhile I'm happy if I can keep down a piece of fish without vomitting. Anyway, don't let a few bad apples spoil an otherwise helpful group of people with good intentions and knowledge to share.
Iris Shimmer
on 11/27/07 9:10 am
So, i am going out on a limb here..maybe it wasn't so much bragging as stating facts. Tho we have had surgery we are still human. And believe me at 4 years post op i can eat much more than i could early out. Most of us do not gorge ourselves, but we do make poor choices at times. Please don't leave because of something that may have been said in an effort to track one's eating habits.

A casual stroll through the lunatic asylum shows that faith does not prove anything.



Misty A.
on 11/25/07 11:33 pm - White House, TN
Hi Diane! Don't go anywhere. You do not realize how much you can inspire others. I tend to stick more to this TN board because the other boards do sometimes get  crazy. Just understand that not everyone is as informed or ready for this lifestyle change and they do not stick with it. They may brag about it because they do not want to cry about it and be judged for doing the wrong thing. Do not worry about them. They are an example of what to not do when you have this surgery. Everyone can contribute support in one way or another and even if it is "bad" support on what not to do. I know I have personally eaten the "wrong" thing or over eaten and learened my lesson quickly. I will tell others my experience to try and tell them what not to do. I would never brag about it so I hate that others do that. They are giving a false impression to newbies. But, just know that we on the TN board are very supportive and others can use your support because you are doing so great on losing weight on your own right now. Don't let a few ruin the concept of this site. It really does help lots of people. You know I am here for you anytime. I am looking forward to hearing about your approval soon.

159 (current/post-pregnancy)
150 (Goal)

on 11/27/07 1:40 am - San Diego, CA
ya know,,I am so glad to see that the Tn people are aware of what is right an what is wrong to put in their mouth's ,,I mean heck,,wls is a lifestyle change..not "lets do the surgery and not change our eating habit's that put us here in the 1st place" I appreciate what I have seen here,,it is encouraging to see everyone's sincerity,,and personally want to say "Thank-you"
on 11/27/07 11:11 am - Madison, TN
When I read your post, I thought, "Oh My God!  She read about my M&M's episode!"  I surely hope that I have not said or done anything to offend you.  I dont think you are talking about any of our TN board... but I do know those other boards, esp the main one is nasty.  I asked a board once to contact Red Lobster about letting wls patients order off kids' menus and you would have thought I asked to legalize marijuana....  I bet you they would have sent emails out in a heartbeat for something like that!  Lord you would have thought I committed the worst sin....  anyway many of us do not see eye to eye.  But here on the TN board, its a safe place, plus we respect one another.  One reason is because of our monthly luncheons, and now the monthly dinner club.  We meet in REAL life, hold one another accountable for what we say, do and eat, and we actually LIKE each other!  We hope you dont leave us.  Please come back!!!!  PULEEZ!  Don't make me beg!!!


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