Tell me why I should reschedule
You know this whole adventure is complicated but the one thing that is in no way complicated is the fact you know you need assistance.
Be honest it's not about the money because you have been successful raising it thus far. I pray you make the decision based on knowledge and not fear.
I LOVE MY LIFE!!!!!!!!
There is nothing I want more than to live........
Good luck on your decision
Sounds like you need to get into some face to face support groups and speak with people that have been through the same things that you have been through. Do you have any co-morbidities yet? If you don't yet, you are lucky because you probably will start having them. And you probably want be around to enjoy that garage. That's something only you can decide tho. I myself have put on a lot more weight than that in that length of time and I know what you are feeling. Depression sets in and really eats at you. Just how is the support at home? Is it really positive? Does everyone support this decision? Good Luck to you!! And I hope that you get all the answers that you need or are looking for. Hugs, Tammy P 4 days and counting 3 days of full liquids
Hi Guy!
You are scared. And guess what, so were we when we made this life altering decision. It is perfectly normal. As for the money, it will come from somewhere. If you are a believer you know the answer, GOD Provides. Reschedule your surgery and think about the fact that you will now have a longer life in which to enjoy the simple things, like a garage. If you don't, you may regret it for the rest of your shorter life. I am so thankful that I had this surgery. I was not self pay, but did have to come up with a sizeable chunk anyway. It was so worth it. I am down 100 lbs since surgery 6 months ago and a total of 120 since consultation. As a man you will loose so much faster, and see your life come back to you. The pros outweigh the cons by so much. I am waiting for my DH to have his surgery on the 18th of Dec. and for all the wonderful things to happen to him. This is very much a personal decision and can only be made by you. You asked for our two cents worth and I gave you my nickel! Good luck with your decision and be happy with whatever you decide. We are all here for you if you need us. If you want more input from men, try the men's board, my DH swears by it. Have a wonderful week. Beth
As everyone else has said, you have to make that decision. Do you want a new garage, (quite honestly for your family to enjoy because we know as obese people our life span is less) or would you like to be around to be able to maybe do some of the garage work yourself on down the line. This is just one of the questions you need to ask yourself, and only you can answer them. Maybe you are not ready for the surgery yet, that could be why you keep changing your mind. Get some support, you don't say where you are from, but Centennial has a heck of a support system., go to their website and find a group near you.
As for selfpay, I know how that goes. I had to self pay, I don't for one moment regret that I spent my retirement money for this surgery. i didn't have much of a future and probably, well more than likely, would not have lived to retirement. I had been told I would be lucky to make 35.
I will say a prayer that you make the decision that is right for you.

6/01/07 60lblost 7/5/07 -65lbs!.9/10/07.70lb.lost Sept26..75lb lost.10/29/07 80lbslost!11/12/07 85lblost.