Tell me why I should reschedule

on 11/25/07 5:03 am, edited 11/26/07 11:03 am
I'm a self-pay and on November 1st I went in for my consultation with Dr. Dyer.  Scheduled my surgery for Nov 21st.  The next day I got scared and cancelled it.  Some of it was that I didn't get all of the money I thought I was going to, but I didn't even try to find more money.  I'm not sure why I cancelled.  Nervous, I guess and scared.  But I'm rethinking my decision.  We were talking about doing a garage if we got enough money to do both and of course we didn't , so of course that got me thinking and trying to prioritize one over the other.  A little nervous like everybody else about being able to give up all the food and soft drinks that I take in on a daily basis.  I'm just tired of my life revolving around food and I'm embarassed to go see friends I haven't seen in a long time, because I've probably gained over 65 lbs. in the last year and a half.  Just looking for some advice.  I guess the obvious answer to the title of the post is no one can tell me, but me, but I was hoping someone had an idea.
one hot mama
on 11/25/07 5:15 am, edited 11/25/07 5:16 am - Tennessee/ Alabama

You know this whole adventure is complicated but the one thing that is in no way complicated is the fact you know you need assistance.

Be honest it's not about the money because you have been successful raising it thus far. I pray you make the decision based on knowledge and not fear.


I LOVE MY LIFE!!!!!!!!

There is nothing I want more than to live........


Good luck on your decision


 Army Wife
on 11/25/07 6:26 am - TN

Sounds like you need to get into some face to face support groups and speak with people that have been through the same things that you have been through.  Do you have any co-morbidities yet?  If you don't yet, you are lucky because you probably will start having them.  And you probably want be around to enjoy that garage.  That's something only you can decide tho.  I myself have put on a lot more weight than that in that length of time and I know what you are feeling.  Depression sets in and really eats at you.  Just how is the support at home?  Is it really positive?  Does everyone support this decision? Good Luck to you!!  And I hope that you get all the answers that you need or are looking for. Hugs, Tammy P 4 days and counting 3 days of full liquids

Elizabeth O.
on 11/25/07 7:46 am - nashville, TN

Hi Guy!

You are scared.  And guess what, so were we when we made this life altering decision.  It is perfectly normal.  As for the money, it will come from somewhere.  If you are a believer you know the answer, GOD Provides.  Reschedule your surgery and think about the fact that you will now have a longer life in which to enjoy the simple things, like a garage.  If you don't, you may regret it for the rest of your shorter life.  I am so thankful that I had this surgery.  I was not self pay, but did have to come up with a sizeable chunk anyway.  It was so worth it.  I am down 100 lbs since surgery 6 months ago and a total of 120 since consultation.  As a man you will loose so much faster, and see your life come back to you.  The pros outweigh the cons by so much.  I am waiting for my DH to have his surgery on the 18th of Dec. and for all the wonderful things to happen to him.  This is very much a personal decision and can only be made by you.  You asked for our two cents worth and I gave you my nickel!   Good luck with your decision and be happy with whatever you decide.  We are all here for you if you need us.   If you want more input from men, try the men's board, my DH swears by it.   Have a wonderful week. Beth

F.R.O.G.  -  Fully Rely on God!  For He IS GOOD!

Brenda H.
on 11/25/07 7:54 am - APO-AE , Germany
Hey Chevy, I myself should have had this surgery at least a year before I did have it. I had everything set up and when they were going to scheldue me I backed out. I was afraid of everything. Mostly afraid of death and that it would be another failure. About 6 months after I backed out I was diginosed(sp) with fatty liver. I was told that if I didn't change my diet and lose weight that I would diffently die. I had that on top of all the other co morbilities.(sp again) I then realized that it was time to do this and the time was then. I went through all the testing again. As a matter a fact I was able to get another appt with my dr very quick. The wonderful nurse that got me in so fast said she didn't want to give me time to back out again. This surgery has saved my life and gave me a life that I wanted for so long.  Like you said "Noone can tell you why to rescheldue." That is something that you have to come up with on your own. All we can do is tell you our stories and hope you can get some piece of mind from us to help you make your decision.  Good luck with what ever you decide. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Brenda

I set myself a new goal. I can do it! I am going to do it!!!!


Melissa C.
on 11/25/07 8:26 am - Goodspring, TN
I think the answer to "why should I reschedule?" is "why did I schedule it in the first place?". Think about it......

                      Merry Christmas to all my OH friends!!

on 11/25/07 8:41 am - Madison, TN
Maybe you are just not prepared for surgery.  It might not be the best decision for YOU.  Only you can decide that.  Take all the time you need.  It is a life altering decision.  Just don't spend your money yet until you fully decide what is best....  or else it might lead to regrets if you choose that wls is right for you.  Good luck!


Darlene H.
on 11/25/07 8:53 am - Pinson, TN

As everyone else has said, you have to make that decision.  Do you want a new garage, (quite honestly for your family to enjoy because we know as obese people our life span is less) or would you like to be around to be able to maybe do some of the garage work yourself on down the line.  This is just one of the questions you need to ask yourself, and only you can answer them.  Maybe you are not ready for the surgery yet, that could be why you keep changing your mind.  Get some support, you don't say where you are from, but Centennial has a heck of a support system., go to their website and find a group near you.

As for selfpay, I know how that goes.  I had to self pay, I don't for one moment regret that I spent my retirement money for this surgery.  i didn't have much of a future and probably, well more than likely, would not have lived to retirement.  I had been told I would be lucky to make 35.


I will say a prayer that you make the decision that is right for you.


Darlene Hughes
     Tangled Lights

on 11/25/07 12:01 pm
I am a Lap Band by the way, sorry never mentioned that earlier. The support at home is alright.  My wife just isn't sure that I want to stop eating the foods that we ate to get like this.  She still thinks it can be done, and I've pretty much given up.  I just know myself and have dealt with this so long that it's just a matter of time before I jump off the bandwagon again.  I've been chubby ever since I was 8 years old.  I was once a police officer and got down to around 210, but slowly but sure I ballooned up to 275 when I left the department a year and a half ago.  Now I'm at 341(at least that's what I was at my consultation on Nov 1st).  I'm in the Nashville area.  I just don't see a light at the end of the tunnel.  When I left the consultation and later that evening decided to back out my wife and I said we were going to take the money and buy some really nice gym equipment and start doing it natural, but I just don't think I can do it.  I just know myself.  I'm an emotional eater.  I also let people **** on my cheerios too easy.  So next thing you know I'll be at McDonalds and the diet's done.  My wife's worries is that what if it doesn't work, and says that I'm still going to have to work at it.  She is also worried that I'll just try to get around it.
on 11/25/07 8:15 pm - TN
 I sure understand where you are coming from and also the lap band does  take  a little more "will power" than the RNY but  it does  help curb that hungry lion deep inside you and also your longing  for Macdonads ,BurgerKing, french fries etc  (Ok I admit ..I still look at and long for those White  Castle hamburgers everytime I go to Nashville to see Dr Dyer) will no longer have that strong hold on you like before  You will have the inner strength to walk away and say no to yourself  You must try  though and you must diet with the lapband  we do not have a one ounce stomach coming out of surgery  we have a full size football shaped stomach and  the first 6 weeks is not easy  also,we do not have any malabsorbtion where foods pass  justthru us and  we will  still long for those old comfort foods soon  after surgery As you get your fills your stomach will get smaller and smaller slowly and your  feelings toward these fooods begin to change and loosen their grip on you .. But  it does take time..  during this time we learn to eat healthier smaller meals( high protein /low carb) I eat alot of salads now with chicken ,hard boiled egg, maybe a  little shredded cheese this fills me up and really helps I started  eating salads about 5 or 6 months out cut small and small bites The lapband was the easiet surgery I have had no real pain or even gas I walked alot  the day of surgery ( about 3 or 4 hours after surgery) I took a shower ,washed,my hair and went home the next morning  just a sore tummy and real tired feeling for about  week It is actually a very simple safe operation there is nothing to fear and  dont worry about eating your old favortites from time to time you still can ,only less  in smaller portions!! the best of luck to you Dr Dyer is an excellent surgeon you choose the best!!  He is my surgeon too. i had the lap band one year ago with Dr Dyer.... he will take excellent care of you! Go for it! I have been  thin 7 different times by dieting & exercising, gaining it all back and more each time metabolism was so messed up I  was unable to lose the weight this last time I have now lost 85 poounds and hope to lose 50 more next year!! change your life.. live longer  and healthier. you will laugh and run with your children and spend many  years with your family! and you can still eat and enjoy your foods in moderation  Let us know how you are doing...You can do this!! 

6/01/07 60lblost 7/5/07 -65lbs!.9/10/07.70lb.lost Sept26..75lb lost.10/29/07 80lbslost!11/12/07 85lblost.

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