What do I expect?
I have spent most of the night alternating between being excited and scared to death. I feel a little like a yo-yo this morning!
I suddenly feel like I don't have enough information. I am having a RNY. I know I have to be on clear liquids for a week, full liquids for another week or two,then pureed for a while. What else do I need to know? Does everything need to be sugar free?
What is good to drink? Do I need someething special? What worked for all of you? I may need a sedative just to get me through the next 4 weeks!

Congrats on your upcoming surgery. First off - take a Breath! everything will come together. There is only so much preperation you can do and you will never feel like you have everything. My sugeestion is to go ahead and begin to get everything you will need after surgery. Stock up on water, chicken broth, sf jello ..etc. If you do not have one, you may want to get a blender for the pureed stage (the magic bullet works really good and is on sale after Thanksgiving). You also want to get your vitamins. You will want a chewable multi with iron (like the flinstone complete) and you will will want a calcium chew or lozenge. I also suggest that you get the protein sample back from BE (bariatriceating.com). It is a pack of several individual protein powders in differnt brands and flavors. You can try these after surgery to find out which ones you like best to order. But you should wait till after surgery to try because your taste buds will change.
So, spend your time getting everything out of your house that you will not want to see after surgery - the sugars and "curropters" (for me potato chips). Clean your house so you do not have to worry about that after surgery. Get everything together you will need at the hospital.
Basically, just get prepared. That will make time go by fast and help you be as prepared as possible so you can just restand recouperate after you get home.
Oh yeah, yes, everything will need to be sugar free (or within 12 grams of sugar which is really not alot). You will be drinking water, water and more water with protein drinks and sf tea. You can add crystal light or stuff to the water.
I am sure you will have plenty of questions between now and then so just let us know.
159 (current/post-pregnancy)
150 (Goal)