I'm back in the saddle again...
Went to see Dr. Hottie, Ooops I mean, Dr. Houston. LOL
It was for my one year appointment which I had to cancel in Mid October. He asked me about my weight... 122.7 today with tons of clothes on. My scales said 118.5 this am. ANYWAY... He asked the status and whether that was holding steady, was I happy with it, having problems, etc. I reminded him that it was HIS goal for me to weigh no less than 120 lbs... and that I maintain this VERY well and carefully... as not to get too low (cause he told me not to go below 120) or too high (for my own mental well being as I want to be the lowest and be healthy).
I asked him if I could be 115 lbs. I think I would feel better being 115 cause of this stupid tummy I have... and I am working out, trying to get it to go down. He asked how tall I am, 5'4, and he said yes that would be ok.
So now I am going to scale back just a tad and try to lose about 5 lbs. I haven't lost weight in so long... I have just been maintaining.
On another note, Tim is doing Fitday.com and scaling his carbs down. He is finding how easy it is for carbs to sneak up and bite your rear! The biggest culprit?? Bananas & crackers. He is educating himself, as we all must do and have done.. and then kick that old carb monster out... which is much easier said than done... we all remember!
AMen to that on the carbs. You go Tim. Kick those carbs in the butt. You guys have fun in Gatlinburg. Just for the record....I don't think I like the beard either......I hope I get to shave and maybe I can try the little 5 o'clock shadow thing....But HELL who is going to show me how to do that.
Congrats Melinda on your visit to Dr Houston!!!!!