Looking for Surgeon in Chattanooga Area
you mean Dr Dyer from Centennial and Dr Melvin From Vanderbilt
Neither accepts Blue Care insurance.
Blue Care does not pay for the lap band surgery
Blue Care covers all other procedures except lap band.
I have read on the Tennessee board and the lap band board about folks in the past who have had the lap band and were also on Blue Care I also remember they had to fight for the lap band procedure ..letters recommending the lap band from their doctors and also a letter explaining why they themselves wanted the lap band and why they needed it
I will be finding out if my doctor can get lap band surgery approved for my case. I really would like for all my innards to stay in their original configuration and not be altered. I'm already worried about the lifestyle chang; (ie: eliminating sugar, chocolate, and steak from my diet.)
Pooh Bear
Well I am on medicare and I am going to Baptist with Dr. Morton III and that is the only procedure he does (for medicare patients, I am not sure about others).
There are other doctors at baptist too...I am plugging them because I really loved the atmosphere and the hospital is outstanding.
Not to mention the staff!!!