Looking for Surgeon in Chattanooga Area
I am looking for a surgeon in the Chattanooga area.
My insurance is TennCare/BlueCare.
I called Dr. Rutledge's office but he doesn't take BlueCare.
My PCP recommended Dr. Ponce but he also does not accept BlueCare.
I would like to stay as close to Chattanooga as possible.
But any doctor close enough would be accepted too.
I did look at a couple of docs up towards Knoxville.
But I don't know if they take my insurance.
I would like to stay South of I-40 for driving distance.
This includes up towards Nashville and Knoxville,
and McMinnville, CrossVille, CookeVille, Dayton,
Spring City, Rockwood, Swee****er, etc.
I'm in the Dunlap area so most of these places are within 3 hours.
My PCP is on board with this. And the heart doc cleared me.
Now I just need to find a surgeon.
Can someone please help me find a surgeon.
Thank in advance for your help.
Pooh Bear
My Dr is Dr. Colquitt in Maryville...don't know if that is too far, but he's good. He practices out of Blount Memorial Hospital. I know he takes Medicare, but I'm not sure about your insurance, but it wouldn't hurt to call and ask if you're interested. His number is 865-984-3413. Good luck on your search.
Have you checked with Dr Westmoreland's office in Murfreesboro? I think they take some type of TN Care. Call Shanda at 615-849-3467. She's their insurance person and could tell ya........let me know if I can help you out.....I have a friend from college that was from Dunlap..(Dana Mabry)...It is a pretty place......good luck .........

Call Dr David Dyer's office ...615-342-5830 and ask Johanna He is an excellent well experienced surgeon he is also on the ASBS board and Centennial is a good hospital and on the Center of Excellence ..Johanna will tell you if they take Tenncare He was one of the very few who accepted Medicare and I know he used to take Medicare but sometimes they quit taking these kinds of insurance.. call right away and try and get the ball rolling before the end of the year seems everything changes with each new year . If he does not ...try calling Vanderbilt hosptial in Nashville there is a Dr Willie Melvin there who might take Tenncare Good luck!
6/01/07 60lblost 7/5/07 -65lbs!.9/10/07.70lb.lost Sept26..75lb lost.10/29/07 80lbslost!11/12/07 85lblost.
Poor Bear ...you mean Dr Dyer from Centennial and Dr Melvin From Vanderbilt do not do lap bands??? What did Johanna tell you when you called ????Or are you trying to say Blue Care does not pay for the lap band surgery??? Who is it that does not cover the lap band procedure??? I know for a fact Dr Dyer does do lapband surgery, he is my surgeon and is doing lapbands right now ... each and every week , and he is doing more lapbands as it is now really getting popular... I am not familiar with Blue care and their procedures but I have read on the Tennessee baord and the lap band board about folks in the past who have had the lap band and were also on Blue Care I also remembver they had to fight for the lapband procedure ..(letters recomending the lap band from their doctors and also a letter explaining why they themselves wanted the lapband and why they needed it ) now that may have been their policy last year and this year may be different..
6/01/07 60lblost 7/5/07 -65lbs!.9/10/07.70lb.lost Sept26..75lb lost.10/29/07 80lbslost!11/12/07 85lblost.