How do you know: small bowel obstruction or other??HELP
To answer your questions, my bm's are all different sizes and lengths lol. They are skinny they are loose they are piles they are long and thick they are just always different. Now today when I was reading on the internet I thought I might have IBS!! How do they diagnose that? I will tell the specialist everything that is going on. Then I think I need a good cleaning out down there lol, actually an entire body cleansing! Any ideas?? heh Lisa
159 (current/post-pregnancy)
150 (Goal)
Check out it has a secton that talks about fiber in great detail and it may help you in your increase of fiber intake, it does state that we should each get 14 grams of fiber per every 1000 calories. I know that this is for a normal person, but the fiber information is very good!!! Hope it gets better soon, Shelia