How do you know: small bowel obstruction or other??HELP

on 11/15/07 1:57 am - Lebanon, TN
So people say I don't post on here much, since there are more people on the main forum I typically post there but here goes my most recent question.  Let's see I am 3 months post-op.  Have been having problems off/on with bowel movements. I had a really big struggle on Tuesday and ended up going to the doctor, pcp who examined me and said I have a hemorroid and when she went to feel for it I yelled lol so she said if it hurts that bad then I should have it removed. So I have an apptmnt to see a specialist next Wednesday.  So someone on the main board was asking about a small bowel obstruction or blockage or whatever.  Would going to the specialist be able to tell me that? Not sure what exactly I need to see about.  To give you background I have never had a problem with BM's and even after surgery I still have gone every day twice  a day etc and it's small amounts- I don't ever have big BM's they are small.  Lately it had felt as though something was stuck, I felt the urge to go I'd go and then it felt like something was stuck and I'd push and then nothing but I'd wipe and still feel I had to go.  About 5 weeks ago I had bright blood in the toilet and on the paper and nothing since.  The hemmorhoid is internal.  They gave me cream to put on it and some powdered stuff to soften stool and she told me to get Colace which I did and have been taking and my stool is softer but today I feel like I have to go all the time.  I went 4 times today. But I am so uncomfortable sitting all day as I am at work and don't have a choice.  I already missed 2 days of work because of this.  HELP, input, advice, share your story lol... thanks! Lisa

Pam E.
on 11/15/07 2:24 am - Hermitage, TN
If it's the "other" I had that issue until someone from the "Lunch Bunch" told me by drinking one cup of coffee per day would relieve the issue.  It worked. 
on 11/15/07 4:58 am - Knoxville, TN
Question, is your bowel movement skinny like a pencile?  My mom had a blockage and hers were skinny like  that  my sister has hemmorieds and she has the urge to go but cant,  I am glad you are going to see a specialist tell him everything  your feeling I know they will find out what is going on with you,  Also Iron and high proteins and other meds causeses hard stools and maybe you have stool in there but its to hard to work its way down to come out.  I am praying everything works out for you,  I have had bowel problems all my life, IBS right now and let me tell you I have been going every morning but the pain is sometime embareable.  Good luck to you. Annrenee


on 11/15/07 6:40 am - Lebanon, TN

To answer your questions, my bm's are all different sizes and lengths lol.  They are skinny they are loose they are piles they are long and thick they are just always different.  Now today when I was reading on the internet I thought I might have IBS!! How do they diagnose that?  I will tell the specialist everything that is going on.  Then I think I need a good cleaning out down there lol, actually an entire body cleansing! Any ideas?? heh Lisa

Misty A.
on 11/15/07 6:50 am - White House, TN
Hi Lisa. i have IBS (with constipation) so my situation is different from yours. I had this before my RNY. I also have internal and thrombosed hemroids. When you see red blood, that is what is going on (a hemhroid or tear). If it were dark blood, then that is reason to be concerned. Sometimes a lot of iron can cause you to have harder stools and since you are taking lots of iron as a post-op that can occur. You really should up your fiber. The Fiber One cereal or the Kashi Protein Ceral has lots of fiber in it and works really well on keeping your regualr with softer stools.  If you had a blockage, you would know it. You would not be able to continue to to go the bathroom like you are. If I remember the symptoms I have read about correctly, you also would probably be throwing up and have major stomach pains because nothing can get through.  If you are worried about it, then you cna have a colonscopy. They can check you out and make sure there is no blockage and make sure you do not have any internal polyps that need to be removed that could also be causing you problems. I had to have those removed before.  I am sorry you are dealing with. I know how bad it is. I usually bleed when passing stools weekly and with IBS you have other symptoms that occur so it is not good! But hopefully they will be able to get it fixed and get you regulated.

159 (current/post-pregnancy)
150 (Goal)

on 11/15/07 9:34 am - Lebanon, TN
Thanks! I will look into adding more fiber.  Also I will go over all my options with the doctor and go from there. Lisa

on 11/15/07 10:56 am - Nashville, TN

Check out it has a secton that talks about fiber in great detail and it may help you in your increase of fiber intake, it does state that we should each get 14 grams of fiber per every 1000 calories.  I know that this is for a normal person, but the fiber information is very good!!! Hope it gets better soon,  Shelia

on 11/15/07 11:05 pm
Hi Lisa! I have recently started adding Benefiber to my drinks.  It is wonderful because it doesn't add texture or taste to beverages.  You take 2 teaspoons three times a day.  I have found it very helpful. Good Luck! Freddie
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