A BIG WOW MOMENT...not weight loss related...but a BIG one!
That is so cool, they are so cute when they start that. I can tell the Aunt Alyssa is very proud. Was there ever a decision on if the Dinner Club was getting together this month or not? Shelia and some others was wanting to know and she also had suggested a place, you can see her post. Hope you are having a great day....Cheryl.
Aunt Sissy (that's me) is so PROUD of her Emmy-boo! My mother had called the other day and told me that Miss Emmy Grace was at day care...looked to see if anyone was watching...and walked across the floor. She then, promptly plopped down and clapped for herself! How cute! A little princess in training just like her Aunt Sissy! She's here this weekend staying with the parentals, so I'll be there visiting my little niece. I'm sure I'll take loads of pictures.
By the way...pictures of the Boyfriend are on my page.