Time for me to talk to you
Hi April,
Thank you so much for the warm welcome and the kind words. You are right it is a huge step and I knew I needed to take that step to continue with my progress.
I have been reading about your pending bundle of joy and am so happy for you. All the changes that you have been through over the past almost 2 years and in a few short months your life is going to change again.. Never to be the same... and it is wonderful.... I have 2 children the oldest is out of college and moving into her own new apartment and my baby is a senior this year and in a couple of months I will be packing him off for his dorm room. They are both leaving me almost at the same time and I remember bringing them home from the hospital just like it was yesterday.
April, you are doing wonderful...........
Hi Melinda:
Thank you for responding to my post. You are right I got to the point when I did get out and go to the store all I could do was pray to God that I did not see anyone I knew. If I saw a person I knew I turned the corner real quick hoping they didn't notice me, then chuckling to myself how could they miss me. I became more and more of a recluse just so no one would see me. It is a vicious cycle because that depressed me and the more depressed I became the more I ate and the more I ate the bigger I got and the bigger I got the more depressed I became and the more depressed I became (well you can see where I am going with this.LOL)
I am so excited we are getting to chat and can't wait to meet you at the next gathering. I am going to attend the Christmas dinner and hope to see you there.