Time for me to talk to you

Truly Trina
on 11/13/07 3:24 pm - Nashville, TN
I have been a lurker on this site for over a year and a half.  I decided to become a member on October 21st, 2006 which was 3 days before my WLS.  I was scared to death and thought maybe somehow setting up a user account and posting how scared I was to go to the hospital the night before might somehow comfort me.  Well it really didn't "comfort" me but in someway made a difference to me on the inside that I had broadcasted to the world that I was getting ready to go get some medical assistance to help save my life and I was scared to death.  Well it has been over a year since that fearful post I made and you could not possibly understand the changes in my life over the past year.  The reason you could not understand is because there are no words that I can find to describe my new life to you.  I can try and try but I just can't find them in the English language.  I started my weight loss journey weighing 277 lbs. I am 5" 3".  At my one year Surgeon follow-up appointment I weighed 127 lbs.  You see my friends I have lost 150lbs and even typing those numbers are incomprehensible to me.  I find myself crying often because when I think about it, it overwhelms me and I have this overwhelming feeling come over me and I just begin to weep.   My journey started around the same time that Melinda's started.  I read her posts daily and was experiencing the same exact struggles as she was.  We have the same Insurance Company, had to do weight reductions to loose a certain percent of body weight before surgery could be approved, got denial letters due to incompetent office staff that left pieces of faxed papers laying on the floor etc. etc..  It was encouraging for me to read Melinda's post.  We were going through the same thing.  The one difference between her and I was that she was so bold and so confident in herself that she posted her daily struggles.  Me on the other hand was not bold, had no confidence and wished I could post my thoughts and experiences.  I was just too afraid. I plan to tell her to her face one day how much I admire her.  She was my Rock and didn't even know it.  We ended up getting our approvals for surgery around the same time and she had her surgery a week or two before I did.   So you see, Melinda kept me going.  She does not even know.  In this year of healing I have purposed in my heart that I am going to change my social interactive behavior that morbid obesity handicapped me with for so long.  I no longer just want to lurk and read about other peoples ups and downs.  I want to be a participant.  I want to be the one that is encouraging someone else that is so down trodden with physical humiliation that it affects every part of their social being.   You know a prime example of still wanting to hide behind a veil when I set this account up over a year ago is the username I chose.  I chose the name Julie because I have always loved that name.  I thought it was so pretty. My name is not Julie.   You know as kids when a group of us would play a game and everyone picked a pretend name for themselves mine was always Julie.  Isn't that funny.  And then I chose the word Jaded to go along with Julie because that is exactly how I felt.  So for now I will leave it jaded julie but I no longer need her to hide behind.  I will become involved, post my before and after pictures and can't wait to be part of the Lunch Bunch.  But most important of all I want to be an encourager.  I know what you feel, I lived on that street and I am getting better and better everyday both physically and mentally. Thanks for staying with this post for so long.  I just felt it was my time to share.  Goodnight from jaded_julie to all the other jaded_julies out there.
Elena Dench
on 11/13/07 6:24 pm - La Vergne, TN
Hey Julie, (hope to know your real name soon)   Congrats on such an amazing transformation!  150 pounds down is quite an accomplishment.  I'm glad you've decided to quit hiding behind jaded julie and become your own person.  I'm sure you are beautiful both inside and out, and you need to shout it from the mountain tops.   I'm sure you've been through it all and would be a great source of encouragement and information to all of us following your path. Welcome to the world of posting and hope you make it to the next lunch bunch and Christmas party!

~~Elena     WLS date: May 8, 2007
272/195(pre-preggo)/211(at delivery)/188(current)/140   

***Mommy to beautiful baby boy***
Gabriel Skye Dench, 4/30/08, 6lb 6.4oz, 19.5in

Truly Trina
on 11/13/07 11:31 pm - Nashville, TN

Hi Elena:

Thank you for your kind words.  I am glad that I have decided to quit hiding too.

I am very much considering attending the Christmas party.  I have been wanting to go to the Lunch Bunch outings for months but always found an excuse for why I couldn't make it.  As time goes on I find that I really need to surround myself with people that have experienced my experience.  I go to the Vanderbilt support meetings as often as I can but there doesn't seem to be many people at the one I attend, probably because it is on a Friday morning. Thanks Elena for the welcome.....

Susan J.
on 11/13/07 8:22 pm - Madison, TN
I'm glad you decided to come talk to us. We have all been in your shoes and are having to learn how to leave that comfort zone we each created. I'm just guessing that you have viewed some of the Lunch Bunch photos. Have you noticed how the smiles become bigger and more genuine? We are all here to support and encourage each other and to teach and learn from each other. Everyone in the group has something to contribute that is going to benefit someone else. Please plan on attending the Christmas Party on December 8th at Hickory Falls Restaurant. Don't worry that it will be your first time meeting us. We love meeting new folks! I too am 5'3" and my pre-op weight was right at 300lbs. You have done amazingly well to lose 150 lbs in just one year. It took me 18 months to reach the 150 lb mark.  If you can't make the Christmas party, we will have a Lunch Bunch luncheon the second Saturday in January. Please post often and let us get to know you. Then, when you are ready, let us see your face and reveal your real name. Susan

Susan (AKA bilsrib) 
300/135/135 - Plastics February 2008 - Dr. Lois Wagstrom

P E A C E - It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.

Truly Trina
on 11/13/07 11:42 pm - Nashville, TN

Hi Susan: Thank you for taking the time to respond to my post.  I almost feel like I know you.  I have kept up with your post over the year and you have done absolutely fantastic.  Yes you are right I have viewed the Lunch Bunch photos and yes I noticed as the body sizes get smaller the smiles get larger.  I am always thankful to those that post them, they are encouraging. I would like to attend the December 8th event.  Would you please put me down for one. That sounds funny when you talk about revealing your face and your real name.  I didn't mean for it to sound so mysterious in my post.  However, I am so excited to meet you Susan, I can't wait.

on 11/13/07 10:07 pm - Goodlettsville, TN

Hello Jaded_Julie, welcome hon, as you know we are like having a family reunion everytime we get together. It is a great feel'n. It's like gettin' a new family member. Hugs Barb

Truly Trina
on 11/13/07 11:45 pm - Nashville, TN
Hi Barb: Wow, Thank you for the warm welcome.  Your kindness means more than you will ever know.
Misty A.
on 11/13/07 11:00 pm - White House, TN
Congrats on your weight loss. You have done fantastic. I am glad you have come out of lurking because you can be/will be such an inspiration to others. Keep up the great work. By the way, how did you like your surgeon? I know someone who is about to go through Vandy and I am not fimiliar with the surgeons there other than mine (Dr. Torquati) who is now longer there. So how was yours?

159 (current/post-pregnancy)
150 (Goal)

Truly Trina
on 11/14/07 12:15 am - Nashville, TN

Hi Misty: Thank you for your kind words and warm welcome.  They are greatly appreciated.   I absolutely love my surgeon.  As far as I am concerned he is the best.  There is none above him.  (I know that everyone feels the same about their own surgeon and as well they should.)  When I began my weight loss surgery journey I attended every seminar at every hospital, some I went to several times when different surgeons were holding the seminar.  As a matter of fact I went to so many seminars that my family called me a professional seminar attendee.  I probably could have led the seminar, I knew the speech forwards and backwards.  But there was something with Dr. Richards that just spoke to me and said this is the one.  (And you hear that so many times here on the boards when people say "when I heard this surgeon talk" or "met that surgeon I knew he was the one for me. " Well it is true.  It happens that way.)  Now Dr. Richards is a horse of a different color.  He is not a touchy feely want to get to be your best pal kind of guy.  He is very focused on what he does, very knowledgeable about what he does and not a man of too many words of idle chit chat.  He would always answer all my questions, he never rushed me and to this day has been available for me.  If he couldn't be available for me he always found someone competent that would be there.  In my opinion he is the best in the world and I thank God everyday that he was put in my path.   You know Vanderbilt is a teaching hospital and they are constantly doing studies and have programs going that are trying to enhance or make the WLS procedure even better and that is another thing that intrigued me about Vanderbilt.  I craved knowledge for the WLS and I even involved myself in some of the research programs at Vanderbilt for RNY Gastric Bypass Surgery and it was the best thing I could have ever done.  Remember knowledge is power.  And the more Knowledge and power you have the more chances of a higher success rate you will have. Yes, I had heard about Dr. Torquati leaving.  I am not sure if I met him or not.  I was thinking during my stay at the hospital in one of my morphine induced comas I think he was making rounds and stopped in to say hi, but I was not much of a conversationalist at that moment. What happens for your situation now?  Will they assign you another surgeon or will you pick one from the Vanderbilt staff?

on 11/14/07 1:29 am - Springfield, TN

Hi Julie,

Glad to see you come out of hiding :-) It is a huge step and I hope to see you more on the board! I can completely relate to how you feel because I felt the same way. I lurked for the longest time before posting. However, I realized that these people have all been in my shoes and they really do know how I feel. There have been so many people who have been so inspirational and just so supportive to me. Amazingly, people began thinking the same of me. I get messages almost daily from people who have read my profile. It still to this day boggles my mind....me, an inspiration...who would have thought??!! Even now, when I feel as big as a house, 6 months pregnant. You have done an amazing job with your weightloss and in such a short amount of time....You are an inspiration in my mind :-) Take care!



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