Well I recieved my call from Vandy this morning and she had to leave a message/ Needless to say I was not to thrilled about what was to come next. She told me that I had been approved for lap-band adn with a different dr. I called and she said that - they had not seen the note to change from lap band to gastric and the dr was changed for some reason,.... So it goes back to Cigna again for re approval. I was told thouhg she was going to get some one on the phone with Cigna and get it changed today, so cross your fingers, No surgery date yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Susan (AKA bilsrib)
300/135/135 - Plastics February 2008 - Dr. Lois Wagstrom
P E A C E - It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.

159 (current/post-pregnancy)
150 (Goal)