Paula and Susan!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank You for giving Sheila her grove back and her sparkle back she looked so nice yesterday she was just sparkling lol . Not real good with word so I hope this make since, It's really nice that there are people to around that care and it takes specal girls to do what you did for her I had to contain myself for crying when I was sitting there cause she finally had that sparkle back from the frist time I meet her. So Thank You girls .
Just Me
Susan (AKA bilsrib)
300/135/135 - Plastics February 2008 - Dr. Lois Wagstrom
P E A C E - It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.
I agree...we definitely need more girlie type of events! It has been too long since I've pampered myself. I'm definitely going to do the whole shabang (mani, pedi, eyebrows, hair cut and color) sometime before Nick arrives b/c there is no telling when I'll be able to after he comes lol
I'm ready to have Nicholas here and have my body back, but I know he needs to bake a little bit longer :-) February can't get here any quicker so I'm just going to have to have patience lol At least I have lots of holiday stuff to keep me preoccupied.
I've been reading of some other women, about as far in pregnancy as I, going into preterm labor from some of the other pregnancy boards that are out there. I sit here and cry my eyes out for those babies and mommies. Even though at this point, survival rates are higher, it still breaks my heart to see those little babies... no bigger than a hand, covered in wires keeping them alive. I can't imgaine going through what your daughter has gone through. I know that must have been heart wrenching for you as well.