Support group in knoxville
We are trying to put one together, but with everything going in my life right now I need help I need someone that can take on the responsibility in seting it up can you do this or is there someone out there that can I can help but I cant take full responsibility right now. So please knoxville people east side of the state lets do something, who is out there willing to put the time in and effort in planning where I am not able to right now. I am game who else is???
I guess the east side does not want to have a group like the west side I can not do it by myself and if no one else wants to help it wont happen, I myself would love to have a group going like the west side Kathy tried last month to get a lunch started and only 2 of us showed up, So I guess untill I can get one started we wont have one since noone else is wanting to help.