Like sands through the hourglass...
…so are the days of our lives! The hourglass is not moving to my specifications! This is where I am today! The waiting is unbearable, not only for me, but my family also! I am normally a very patient man. It seems recently I’m not. Every day I call CIGNA to see if I have an approval code. Now I am nice when I call, but I call none the less. And for the most part, the people at CIGNA have been nice too. But guys, I need to be honest also. I am angry, depressed, and just don’t feel good! Now, before I get yelled at, I am seeing a Dr. for the depression. I am actively working through the process. But I am human! I am aware of my actions around my family and other people, but I am trying to keep those in check. Keeping my attitude in line around other people is very easy. My family, that’s another story. It seems we only hurt the ones we love. And that’s the case. So, I am really working hard at not biting Beth or R.J.’s head off at any given moment. They have been real troopers through this, and keep reminding me that it will happen! I know it will, but just not soon enough!
There was a post on the main board yesterday about WLS and how males were to macho for support groups. Well, guys I must not be macho! I need the support that you give! I also will support anyone who needs it…male or female! I’m not asking for a lot, I’m just asking for the sands that are running through my hourglass to stop for a moment and give me an answer!
Like sands through an hourglass, so are the days of our lives! No matter what happens, we cannot control how fast or slow those sands move. But we move on, we persevere, and like Gloria Gaynor says …”I will survive”! Keep me and my attitude in your prayers! Have a great day!

6/01/07 60lblost 7/5/07 -65lbs!.9/10/07.70lb.lost Sept26..75lb lost.10/29/07 80lbslost!11/12/07 85lblost.
159 (current/post-pregnancy)
150 (Goal)
Hang in there Scott... you're almost there. Waiting is the pitts for sure! I get very impatient too and I'm fortunate to have a hubby who has all the patience in the world for me... and I'm sure Beth and RJ feel the same. You have a great support system there for sure!
I must be the biggest wussy of 'em all b/c I need support one point, I was active in 4 groups but have stepped back since I found out I was pregnant for various reasons. At any rate, you have been a great support and I've only met you once or twice...that definitely says a lot! Your posts make me laugh for sure! lol ...speedos...*giggle*
I hope you get your approval soon. Lots of prayers are going up!