My MRI & a couple WOW moments to boot.
So today I went and had the MRI done on my knee, and let me tell you I hurt worse when I left than I did when I got there. With my neuropathy and restless legs, relaxing and holding still is not one of my talents. I felt relaxed and then my legs are jumping which means that I had to have some parts redone because of movement. That steel table wasn't any good for the back either. Just for those who I haven't told, doctor thinks I have a torn miniscus in my left knee that will require surgery.
But, one thing that happened was that hey I actually fit in the MRI machine, have never been able to have one before when needed because of the weight limit. Good to know that if I need it I can now have it done.
Another WOW moment was when I went shopping afterward (I figured I deserved a new purse after going through all that hassle with the MRI) and I ran into a couple that I used to work with and they were just going on and on about how they wouldn't have known me if I hadn't said something to them. So I had a fairly good end of a rough starting day.
Now I am going to take a pain pill to help these achy muscles and joints. It is raining like crazy here and that means that my fibro will make a visit. Hope it doesn't stay long, I'm not gonna make it feel welcome.
Love ya all,
Darlene H
Hi Darlene. I didn't know about your knee. I am sorry to hear that. I hope they can find out what it is and get you better.
Congrats on your WOW moments! Normally, people would be upset that they are not recognized by old freinds but not us. We want to not be recognized. haha. It actually makes us feel good.
159 (current/post-pregnancy)
150 (Goal)