Tell me about your Goodwill finds yesterday!!!

on 11/4/07 1:56 am - Nashville, TN
I did not have much money left after paying Peter and Paul, but I had to go to Goodwill and see if there was anything I could stumble upon very cheap.   WELL...........  I could not believe my eyes when I found a medium length "Large" black Wisons Leather coat for only 3.99 and at half price was only $1.98, yes it has a very small place on the sleave but at less than $2.00 I could not resist.  Todd could not believe it when I told him how much it was either, then I have always wanted one of those pretty red sweaters with black fur collars to wear during the holidays, I found one for $5.99 and half off was $2.98, I did good!!!  I am so surprised yall could not hear me singing all the way home and even still today!!!  Well wait, you may have, it is that horrible tone, becasue I can NOT carry a tune, sorry if I broke some breakables!! LOL Had to share, come on now, tell me about some of your finds!!!  Inquiring minds must know!!! Shelia
on 11/4/07 1:05 am - Springfield, TN
Girl I'm impressed! You did good. I walked out of the Rivergate Goodwill with four pairs of jeans for my daughters. Three pairs of dresspants for me and a purse for each daughter all for the low low price of $ 19.87 !!! You will have to show us your jacket at the next lunch are you saving the sweater for the Christmas dinner?

on 11/4/07 1:16 am, edited 11/4/07 1:20 am - Nashville, TN
I will wear the jacket to the luncheon, but the sweater is not what I am  wearing to the dinner, I found a very beautiful outfit for $7.99 at the  Goodwill a few days before and was afraid to wait for the half price day  as I was afraid it would be gone, but now I must find shoes and the  perfect accessories.  It does sound like all of you came out on top at  the Goodwill as well!!! Shelia
on 11/4/07 1:21 am - Springfield, TN
I haven't even really looked for a cChristmas dinner outfit yet. I will have to get on that. By the way was it decided that the dinner will be on December 8th?

on 11/4/07 3:19 am - Springfield, TN

Oh goodness.... I need to find something to wear to the dinner myself. Though that is gonna be tough b/c I have no clue how big I'm going to be.

If you ever want to go shopping together Juanita just let me know



on 11/4/07 3:27 am - Springfield, TN
Would love to go shopping with you hon! I get paid this coming Friday 11-9 so maybe we can get together.

on 11/4/07 1:52 am - Madison, TN
Shelia After seeing your current picture of the short skirt and brown boots...  oh how I wanted to have my own!  It made me jealous for an outfit like that...  I saw a lady at my plastic surgeon's office who had on boots and tights with a cordoroy brown skirt above the knee....  with a turtle neck sweater... so I have been on a quest.  I have been looking for a skirt.  To no avail.... oh but I dodged into Old Navy in Ft. Lauderdale and there, in my size (2... but really a 4 I think.. they just tag them small to make us feel good) was the brown cordoroy skirt for... ready,????  3.97! Oh how happy I was.  Tim laughs at me when I get this gradiose look on my face because I'm in sales heaven!!!   Shelia can I puleez borrow your brown boots? 


on 11/4/07 2:58 am - Nashville, TN

Melinda,          If you can pry them off my feet, I will be glad to let you borrow them!!!  LOL  I have always wanted a pair of high heel tall boots and now I have two pairs, that one and a black pair that has a high skinny heel, you will love those too!!!   I am telling you, Ross' is a great place to find great boots, there is also a place a Hickory Hollow that has a ton of boots in all different styles, they are on the top floor, they are a little more than Ross' but well worth it!!!  I would love to go Boot hunting with you!!! Shelia

Elizabeth O.
on 11/4/07 2:19 am - nashville, TN

We went into Goodwill after 4:00 p.m. and it was packed!  Found some pants for R.J. but didn't want to wait in line.   Scott was looking for Speedos.   R.J. keeps asking why we are talking about speedos, after all they are just a company and a brand name!  Some day and hopefully not to soon he will understand!  Hope everyone found something.


F.R.O.G.  -  Fully Rely on God!  For He IS GOOD!

on 11/4/07 2:44 am, edited 11/4/07 2:45 am - Nashville, TN
Beth was at her Mom's house when she posted, so she had no idea of what I had bought!  Yes, my Bariatric Friends, I found a pair of Speedos at Goodwill!  For a grand total of $1.25 I am the proud owner of a pair of Speedos.  Now I won't be able to wear them right away, bu****ch out for next year!  If you are the least bit curious, please click on Speedos below.  I was a little embarrassed to post a picture here, so feel free to take a look! Speedos
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