off track

sherrymccoy@bellsout M.
on 11/3/07 10:13 am - enville, TN

i really needed to get on here and read and post,,,,,I am almost 2 months out and i already am eating bad,,, ,,,,the past 2 or 3 days i've really been messing up,,i had fried potatoes last night and pizza rolls today,,i havent been measuring protein or water either,,,i just dont know how i slipped so bad,,,,,so tonight i went back to measuring and had cottage cheese and fruit for supper....i feel so guilty for messing up so bad so soon,,i feel like i'm going to be one of those who fail...i can easily eat a cup and half of food...I have had good weight loss so far,,,,started out at 262 and now i'm 225,,,,,,but still no energy,,,any advice out there???? Please dont be too down on me i am down enough as it is,,,,,thanks sherry 

Sherry M,,,

on 11/3/07 10:23 am - Goodlettsville, TN
Sherry, reach out both hands, naws sweetie, I saw where you had Dr. Richards. talk to me. Let me know the format, is his procedures different then the others in his group. How does he do his requirements. I go to see Christian on the 27th. It has been forever. Come on fill me in.   Hugs BarbMyspace Comment: Cats, Kittens
sherrymccoy@bellsout M.
on 11/3/07 10:37 am, edited 11/3/07 10:41 am - enville, TN
hey,,,Dr.richards did an excellant surgery on me,i had parts of my lungs collapse (asthma) was not because of the surgery..I got home and within a week i was up and around doing light houswork,,,i felt like i hadn't had surgery at all..i will barley have scaring from it..He does do things a little different,,,he staples our stomachs off than glues over the line of staples,,to prevent leaks....It is a training hospital so they teach students,,,the students were eager to help me with anything i needed. I had to have 6 months supervised diet,,i had 3 co morbities,,3 nut visits ( i had to pay for nut visits,,but they were helpful) attend 2 support group meetings,,,and when you go a support group,,get them to sign a peice of paper saying you went,,,,and my pcp wrote me a letter of recommendation,,,sounds like a lot,,i just tackeled 1 thing at a time,,it went faster than i thought,,,,they set the surgery dates pretty fast.....i do not regret the decision at all,,,,sorry so long

Sherry M,,,

sherrymccoy@bellsout M.
on 11/3/07 10:40 am - enville, TN

i forgot to tell you,,barb,,that i also took a psycho test,,right there at the hospital,,,i failed and had to take wellbutrin for 2 weeks before surgery,,,it did not knock me out of it,,,and i had to stop smoking,,,,,i know it all sounds like so much,,but it wasnt ......

Sherry M,,,

on 11/3/07 10:49 am - Goodlettsville, TN
Are ya gonna make to meet on Sat.? sure hope so. Gonna  have lots of fun. I have been on 1500 cal for over 2 yrs. I went a vascular clinic, paper work for 1 nut meet. You see I was set up for surgery with Dr. Husted, then he up and left. transfred all of my papers to cent. on hold. changed ins. they didn't until this yr. cover wls. now only covers vandy.So here I am.  My ins. doesn't require. 6mos. wt. lost. but I am so confused as what is what. We will see. I am supposed to see my pcp on mon. I am gonna ask for her do a sleep test, dr. Husted said that I was starting to go into Sleep Ap. and I am gonna go ahead with my physc. exam. that will be out of the way. I don't know if I need to see my gast. dr. or not.  just to knock some thing out and my heart dr. What do you think?  Hugs BarbMyspace Comment: Cats, Kittens
sherrymccoy@bellsout M.
on 11/3/07 11:18 am - enville, TN
I would go ahead and take my paperwork i had to christian when you go,,,when i went for my 1st meeting with him,,other people had went through something like you are going through,,,and they work really well with helping you to know what they will need from you,,,i know they will need they 1500 diet calorie paperwork,,,you can get the sleep apnea and pschy val faxed to them,,,if those girls cant get your paperwork they will tell you what to do to get it....I know you will have to have 3 nut visits,,if you already have them,get the paperwork,,,get in 2 support group meetings,,make sure you have the leader write you out something showing you went... I really think you are on the way,,,probably you have most of it done ,,,,,i'm telling you they work good at getting approval for you,,and it was less than 2 weeks from the time i had everything done,,they had me in there getting my surgery....altogether it was about 4 months for me,,i already had 2 months of diet in..... Dr.Richards did an excellant job on me and i hope the same goes for you,,,,,it sounds like you are getting things in order,,,way to go.... if you need any more tests you should be able to get them done there at vandy,,,i dont know where that town is that you live in,,,but if you live close maybe you can just go there,,,i live about 130 miles from vandy  

Sherry M,,,

Darlene H.
on 11/3/07 12:42 pm - Pinson, TN

Hi Sherry,

Sounds like you know what you are doing wrong, just fix it.  Quit beating yourself up, because you can't change what has been done, only what you will do next.  Go back to basics and may be that will help.  Feel free to email me and I will give you my phone number and you can call me if you need to talk. [email protected]



Darlene Hughes
     Tangled Lights

on 11/3/07 9:30 pm - Springfield, TN
First let me say that no one here is perfect. I think everyone has had days where they have fallen off the wagon, I know I have. Just get yourself up and dust yourself off and get right back up and try again. You know what you did wrong you are now trying to do what is right and that is what counts. You learn form your mistakes and you move on. Don't go beating yourself up ok? Now set them shoulder's straight and keep that head up girl! { Hugs}

on 11/3/07 10:17 pm - Nashville, TN
Hey Sherry!  It sounds like you have been peeking in my window!  I agree with what Juanita said.  Tomorrow is a new day.  Just start over.  I am in that place right now also, having to start over.  I have actually started gaining again, but did not want to mention it.  So guess what kid..."We're all in this together".  In this first Post I had on my blog, I pasted the words to a song from "Dreamgirls",,,I Am Changing"  Check it out, I believe it speaks to all us who are going through this process!   Hang is there, and know we got your back! Have a great day!
on 11/3/07 10:28 pm - Nashville, TN

First of all, you have realized your error and have taken measures to correct it; however you may need to get all those types of foods out of your house, no temptations work well at this point, then after you have gotten a handle on your weaknesses again, you may not even want them at all.  Place a before pictures around in various areas to remind you how far you have come, I have some that have the title "Never Again" to remind me that I am not going to be tempted and allow myself to go back to those old habits!!!!  You can also try contacting your EAP program and see if you can talk to someone, because there is a reason that we beat ourselves up and allow ourselves to turn to food for comfort, believe it or not, but this battle is just as much psychological as it is physical.  Keep coming to us and we will help give you the encouragement you need as well!!!! You can do it!! Shelia




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