Hey Susan:
I was horribly anemic just prior to my surgery. My hemaglobin was a 6. When my PCP saw how low it was he made me go that same day to see a specialist. I ended up having a few surgeries (DnC, hysteroscopy and then finally an endometrial ablation.) After all of that...I felt like a million bucks! More energy than I have had in years. By the way, my hemoglobin is now a 14!!
I just know that you are going to be fine. This is going to turn out to be just another something and we are going to look back on it (much later) and say...whew! Thank goodness that is over!
Kisses to your little face!
You listen to me missy! I want you to take extra good care of yourself and if you need ANYTHING you let me know ok? You are a strong, capable woman and you will not let this get you down! I am here for you and my prayers are with you. Just know if you need someone to talk to or encouragment or anything at all I am here for you. Keep that chin up girl and don't you give up for nothing alright? BIG BIG {{ Hugs}}