4 to 6 week delay!

Hey Rob, even though you are having it rough, you are doing things right as trying on your own to lose weight, that should show the drs ,etc. that you are ready for this. If you just set back and didn't try to do anything it would be different. So just keep on keeping on and it will happen for you too. Are you going to be able to join us for our Dinner Club Christmas party? We are going to have a blast for sure.....Keep your chin up and congrats on your 21lbs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cheryl
I have always struggled with a part of my childhood that has haunted me for years, however several years ago, I got some help and decided to put it to rest. However, after surgery something from my past came up and I had to face it once again and had some difficulties again, but not as severe as before. I tell you this so you can understand that if you face it now and learn how to cope with these things, it will help you with the success of your surgery. The surgery alone creates a whole new set of issues and if you have a handle on the old issues that may have caused you to eat as a comfort, it will help you in the long-term to use your tool to benefit you the best. I know it is difficult to wait, but God will do this in his time, because he is in control and knows what is best for his plan!!! I wish you the best and that you utilize these sessions to help you gain knowledge to deal with these problems before you have surgery and you will be more successful!!!
I will keep you in my prayers, because this will be difficult, but beneficial!! Shelia PS By the way, never feel like you should hold a post, because we are a support group and we are here to handle the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Congratulations on the 21lbs lost Rob!! That is wonderful.
Sorry to hear surgery is being delayed, but I would think of it as time spent being extra prepared for the journey ahead. In all honesty, I wish I had some in depth counseling prior to having surgery. In 4-6 weeks, you'll be in tip top condition for surgery, mentally and physically! Stay positive!
159 (current/post-pregnancy)
150 (Goal)
Just remember things happen for a reason. It is better to go through these 4 to 6 weeks then have it come back and sabotage your success. This too will pass. The main thing is don't give up and do the best you can. I will be keeping you in my prayers that everything will happen in a timely manner.
Hey Rob:
Keep your chin up! While 4-6 weeks seems like forever right now...it will give you an opportunity to make absolutely sure that you are mentally ready. As others have stated, RNY can bring on its own set of issues so it is best to handle what you can ahead of time.
We're all here for you. When you need us...just post. This is a fabulous support group. Hey...are you coming to the lunch bunch next week? I vote, YES!
Hope to see you then!