How is Dale???
Dale is in a lot of pain, but the Darvocet seems to be helping, he did not sleep much at all. He has a cast from his elbow covering his hand that extends tover his middle and pointer fingers. He has broken the growth plate, the finger/hand bone below the knuckle to his pointer finger. The doctor seems confident that it will heal properly, it is in a good position and a clean break (Praise the Lord, no surgery!!!) He will be in a cast for a minimum of four weeks, but could be longer depending on what it looks like when we go back at the end of November. Thanks for your concern and prayers, he is my baby and when he hurts, I hurt. Another down side to this whole thing is the fact that he is left handed and I will have to be writing his homework as well as doing mine, because he will be unable to write, but as far as playing the trumphet, he is just not going to be able to play, this upsets him because he was one of the more experienced players this year in his grade and he was hoping for a solo or duet!! :>(

Glad to hear they got him some better pain meds than Tylenol. Hopefully he will be able to get some sleep tonight, which means Mom gets some sleep too.
What color cast did he choose? I guess he'll have to have some sweet little cutie help him with writing at school since Mom can't be everywhere. LOL
He can always walk around the house blowing on his mouthpiece to keep his lip for the trumpet. Won't that be cute?
Susan (AKA bilsrib)
300/135/135 - Plastics February 2008 - Dr. Lois Wagstrom
P E A C E - It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.
Yes, I have lots of homework to do myself and rest would be a great benefit considering this is my first week back and I need to pay close attention. He chose Black, yeah a color that will not look too dirty, we got him some paint pens to write on it, but he is not too sure if he wants it written on or not, he will probably change his mind and come home with it filled up tomorrow, who knows? He has requested a little girl by the name of Gloria to help him, I cringed, but at least she is a kind sweet girl!!! You are so funny about the trumphet, but that is a great idea!! By the way, I am so glad that the Cardio appointment went well, but I just knew that it would, prayers have been answered!!!

Hey Shelia tell my buddy Dale to try and take it easy. Sorry this happened, I know it's hard My oldest broke her arm once when she was 6 and it was no fun at all. Let me know next time you plan on bringing Dale and I will bring my buddy some grapes that I know he likes so well. Take care and get well soon !!!