Where can you buy COROMEGA Locally?
Lisa, I just put it in they have a http://www.vitacost.com/Coromega?csrc=PPCADWLT-coromega&s_kw cid=coromega|456339671 hope this will help, maybe it is a site that you allready have. I don't know, hope it helps hon. hugs Barb
Hi Freddie! Yeah I mostly post on the Main board because I get tons of different answers to questions I have. Unless like this it's area specific like this question. Coromega is like all your Omega vitamins, fish oil supplement in one spoon size serving that you just suck out of this package once a day. I don't eat fish at least 3x a week so I figure I will supplement. I got a sample from the Coromega site and they sent some coupons so I wanna see about getting it locally. Anyway you look great! How much have you lost so far. I am at 52lbs right now. I need to step it up because I sure would love to lose another 50 by Christmas!! Lisa
Hi Lisa!
I'm doing really well. I've lost 68 pounds so far and would love to loose another 30 by Christmas! I love my RNY!
Does the Coromega taste good? I've never heard of it but it sounds like it is popular amongst our peeps. When are you going to update your picture? 50 pounds makes a big difference!
Smiles to you!
I just found ou can get it pretty cheap at www.amazon.com $22.20 for a 90 count supple. I was paying 39.95 at www.bestbariatricsupply.com for the same thing.
The Vitamin Shoppe has it 50% off right now, 90 capsules for $19.88. I'm not sure if this sale is going on in the local stores but it is at their online store www.thevitaminshoppe.com. It might be worth checking with the brick & mortar store closest to you.
Susan (AKA bilsrib)
300/135/135 - Plastics February 2008 - Dr. Lois Wagstrom
P E A C E - It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.
Freddie.. I will update my profile soon. The problem I have is sizing the picture to be able to fit into the small box, it keeps saying it's too big. As for the Coromega, it tastes good like one of those orange push pops you can get in the freezer section, I had some as a kid from the "Ding Ding Man" aka Ice Cream Truck. You should get a free sample from the coromega website. I liked the taste and know I need Omegas so I will order it from one of these sites people have suggested. thanks everyone! :-)