Waiting: Round 2

on 10/29/07 7:06 am - Nashville, TN
Notice the smile next to the post title!  Yes, CIGNA has finally received all of my paperwork!  YEAH!!!!  So, waiting: round 2 !  I'll just be a little antsy till I hear one way or another.  So, say a little prayer for a speedy approval and no more bumps in the road.  If there are bumps, we will face them one at a time! Have a great week!  I'll be the one sitting on pins and needles!
on 10/29/07 7:27 am - Springfield, TN
Sending up prayers for a speedy approval. I f anyone deserves it, it is certainly you.

on 10/29/07 7:35 am, edited 10/29/07 7:35 am - Goodlettsville, TN
woohooon the paper trail and prayers1-1.jpg prayers image by debra19561for a speedy approval. Keeping everything that I can possibly cross, cross for ya'll I know it will happen soon. Tell Beth Hey, Hug Barb
on 10/29/07 7:43 am - Springfield, TN
Yayyyyy Scott!! This part of the waiting drove me absolutely batty!! I hope you receive your approval very quickly!



Darlene H.
on 10/29/07 7:56 am - Pinson, TN
Yeah Scott, I will say a prayer for a speedy APPROVAL process.  You have worked so hard and you deserve it.  Please let us know as soon as you do, I will be sitting on those pins and needles with you. Darlene
Darlene Hughes
     Tangled Lights

Melissa M.
on 10/29/07 8:53 am
Praying for you.  I know you can not wait until it gets back.  I'm sure everything will work out great.  Love ya Bro,


on 10/29/07 9:05 am - Nashville, TN
I have been praying since you began this journey, but I will begin to say a few extra special prayers.  I feel your excitement through your post!!
Cheryl P.
on 10/29/07 9:24 am - Antioch, TN
Praying for a quick approval. Hope you hear something real soon....Cheryl



on 10/29/07 9:29 am - Madison, TN
Scott I hope they approve you SOON and your waiting will be over...  I remember being in that particular stage of the game...  its hard!


on 10/29/07 9:47 am
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