Dinner Club Pics & Thank You!
Hey guys! What a wonderful turn out for our first Dinner Club. Such a great idea! A BIG THANK YOU goes to Alyssa for heading this up! You did a wonderful job of organizing the whole;e shebang, Once again THANK YOU!!!!!! The food was great, the service was top notch, and the fellowship was unbelievable! I sincerely hope we can do this again!
It was fantastic being able to put faces and names together! It was so nice meeting new people like Barb,Cheryl and thier spouses. We were really glad Tina made it. Freida and John were great. And I can't leave out our surprise guest from out of state. I think that was the highlight of my evening! Just meeting new friends and old friends was a blessing!
I was suffering from an unusually bad day to begin with. When Beth had gotten home, I told her I had no desire to go! I did not want to be a wet blanket on other peoples fun. Boy, I'm glad I went! That's what a support group is all about! When we left, I was a totally different person. I felt rejuvenated, relaxed, and refreshed! Thanks guys, you are the best! I said it before, and I'll say it again, "Under the definition of support group, there should be a picture of you guys!"
Thanks for taking the pictures Freida, they turned out great!
Until we meet again! Have a great week!
P.S. For all of you lurking in the shadows: Step up, introduce yourself, and grab a stool. You are invited the next time we get together.

What fun! Thank you, Alyssa for putting together a very successful event! We had a great time! And Scott, the picture is wonderful (as always!)
1295 pounds lost! WOW!!!! I can't wait until the next one!
It was great to meet everyone! Dan, you surprised us all. Great to finally meet you! I've enjoyed your humor for such a long time!
have to add, I was kinda like you, Scott...I was pooped and had a horrible headache which normally would have kept me home. Doug was so excited to finally meet everyone...I just couldn't stay home so...we went and I had a wonderful time(so did Doug!) My headache didn't leave but I still had a fabulous time! I love my WLS peeps! All of that to say, if you are lurking and afraid to join in...just put that ole shy nature of yours behind you and jump in with both feet. You'll be glad you did!
Have a great Sunday!
I agree wholeheartedly Scott. Thank you Alyssa!!
I am having a very hard time at work right now and this was just what I needed.
The pics turned out great. A big thank you to Freda for taking them. For the folks who weren't there, Freda is the sister of our very own Miss Freddie. Her husband John is also a very successful post-op. He is the good looking fella standing next to Scott in the first photo.
Our group is shrinking and growing at the same time!!!
Susan (AKA bilsrib)
300/135/135 - Plastics February 2008 - Dr. Lois Wagstrom
P E A C E - It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.
Hey, ya'll ~
I was so sorry to have missed this event! You all look SOOOO good - and so happy! I will make the dinner for sure!
Each of you have a fabulous Monday, as I will be in Chattanooga w/ my son on a field trip. Just a note: Had I not had surgery back in Sept., I would probably not be able to go on this trip! It is so exciting to be LIVING life again! It's so good to be active with my kids!
Talk to you on Tuesday! ~ Tara