Posting, Posting, Posting

Melissa M.
on 10/27/07 2:57 am
Well, it's been a wile since I wrote anything and thought I'd catch everyone up to speed with what's been going on. I knew that when I started this journeythat it would be filled with ups and downs, I think the last two weeks have been on the down side.  I finished my six month dr. supervised diet plan and thought okay here we go....... Wrong! No I keep calling Vanderbuilt to see if they had gotten my papers from my dr, with the response time after time - NO.  So I called my dr. office, "well we are waiting for lab work"  I responded I didn't have lab work done.  " Well what is suppose to be faxed"  My last six months worth of visits.  "Oh I saw that on your chart, but wasn't sure what I was suppose to send"  I was begginging to see RED.  So I decided to call Vanderbuilt back and just check to see if I needed anything else.  Okay here we go again, " Well you need another nutrition visit"  No I don't, last time I was there I asked and was told I was completed.  They augred and we made an appointment.  So last Monday, my DH went to the dr and while he was there I ask him to get copies for me so when I went ot Vnaderbuilt on Tuesday I could have it just incase they didn't.  Whlie they were getting my records my DH discovered that my dr never sent a letter to Vandy.  Anyway- Tuesday I went for my nutrition meeting and when I got there was told you were right I did tell you that  you were finished.  They still did not have my paperwork- so it was good that I had copies.   Well everything is turned in and I'm patienlty waiting for Vnady to send me a letter letting me know that all my paperwork has been sent to Cigna.   Tell Me  I also have decieded to get the gastric instead of the lap-band.  So that's where my situation is at, I'll keep you all informed. 
on 10/27/07 4:17 am - Goodlettsville, TN
This doesn't sound good, not good at all, the only hospital that my ins .covers is vandy. I've sit like a turtlejust to get an appointment to see a nurse pract. then whats next another 2 mos. to see the surgeon. Then what. Is this gonna be another time thing? please in Light bulbme. Hugs Barb
Melissa M.
on 10/27/07 6:43 am
honestly the people at Vandy have been very nice, I think that it was an oversight about the last appointment.  I was suppose to see the nutritionest then the education, mine was reversied so when I got there last week she remembered that I had already did what I was suppose to do.  I hope that makes sense.  I have discovered that they don't move very fast at Vandy.  If you have enymore questions please let me know adn I will try to help out.
on 10/27/07 6:58 am
I'm so sorry that you are having troubles.  When I was going through this...I used to keep copies of everything that was required with me...yes, that is correct...I had my medical records, my labs, my doctor's letter everything...just in case CIGNA needed something.   Trust me, the surgery is worth fighting for.  Don't worry about the little bumps in the road, just be prepared to handle it when (or if) it happens.   As for having to wait two months to meet your surgeon...I've heard wonderful things about Dr. Melvin.  But if you are not comfortable with waiting that long, you might check into your options.  You will know when you meet your surgeon if he is the one.   I'll keep you both in my prayers.  Good Luck! Freddie
  Before WLS              
Before......   Surgery......  Post-op.....
on 10/27/07 4:56 pm - Nashville, TN
Even though you changed your name when you got married, it seems the O'Neal luck has followed!  Sis, I'm so sorry you have had to go through this also!  From what everyone has told me, this seems to be natural.  If we do not stay on our insurance/doctors offices, where would we be!  So I can relate to you in more ways than one!   Anyway, hang in there, and I will try to call you Sunday afternoon!  We have a fundraiser at the Titans game on Sunday, so it will be late in the afternoon!  If I can't catch up with you, try to give me a shout! Love Ya!
Melissa M.
on 10/27/07 11:43 pm
Thanks so much for the response.  I know this takes time, it's just when you feel like you've jumped through every hoop, and still there's one more you get tired.  Posting this has been good for me.  I am writing a paper on weight loss surgery for school and was pretty much slammed about how this surgery does not work and you gain all wour weight back, so getting on here and reading good reports and postings make me feel GREAT!!!


on 10/28/07 7:43 am - Memphis, TN

Melissa, I am in graduate school and going to write a paper also on WLS.  I have to pick out of population that I would do group with and talk about topics of concern for them. I am on my own journey to surgery (hopefully in January.) with Dr Weaver in Memphis, TN. Tell me a little about your class, school you are in etc. Glad to see another student out there. For now, Sharon/Memphis


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