gurggle gurggle gurggle

on 10/26/07 5:27 am - Hermitage, TN
Ok, got a question...lately after I eat I get a bad case of the gurggles and well, experience...gas.  Yep, quite gassy at times.  Is this normal??
Darlene H.
on 10/26/07 5:54 am - Pinson, TN

Is it everything you eat or just certain things you eat that cause the gas?  If it is everything I suggest you go to your doc, something is causing this.  If certain things, just stay away from them.  Also, I use the gas X dissolve strips, they make the gas go away pronto.


Darlene Hughes
     Tangled Lights

on 10/26/07 6:32 am - Hermitage, TN
Some things sit well than others, but mainly it's every time I eat that I feel this doesn't hurt, just you can hear my stomach very well. I use the pepcid, I'll pick up some gas x strips tonight.  Thanks.
Darlene H.
on 10/26/07 6:48 am - Pinson, TN

I am glad it doesn't hurt.  Maybe the strips will help.  Hope they do.


Darlene Hughes
     Tangled Lights

Susan J.
on 10/26/07 7:19 am - Madison, TN
You're about 14 months out. That's about when I started experiencing something quite like this. I have found the Multi-Symptom Rolaids work better than the Gas-X strips did, for me. I went through a period where I was quite "fluffy". (You do know that ladies don't f@art, we fluff!) Now it only happens if I have more carbs than usual or go heavy on SF items. As far as the gurgles...I experience this if I've eaten just a wee bit too much, usually because I didn't measure my food. I may not feel like I really overate but when the gurgles start I usually get that overfull feeling very soon after. I have started making a very concious effort to slow my eating to give my brain time to catch up to my stomach. I haven't had this happen since I've slowed my eating.

Susan (AKA bilsrib) 
300/135/135 - Plastics February 2008 - Dr. Lois Wagstrom

P E A C E - It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.

Misty A.
on 10/26/07 7:26 am - White House, TN

I  think if it is just "gurgles" then it is fairly normal. I think we all get the gurgles. Some more than others but I always heard it was just the food passing through your opening. But if you are getting "fluffy" (good term Susan) then that may be something you are eating. For some reason, scrambled eggs always does that  to me. Maybe pay attention to what you are eating when it happens and see if there is a common thread. Rolaids do work pretty good and so does pepcid.

159 (current/post-pregnancy)
150 (Goal)

Elizabeth O.
on 10/26/07 8:25 am - nashville, TN
I was actually going to post something about this today!  I too am suffering from the gurgles and fluffiness.  My coworker can hear the gurgles all the way across the room!  It's so embarassing.  I thad to be the carbs today that did it to me.  I guess I'll have to watch them a bit more closely.  Of course I say this as I am getting ready for a baked potatoe tonight!    Have a great weekend. Beth
F.R.O.G.  -  Fully Rely on God!  For He IS GOOD!

on 10/26/07 10:07 pm - Madison, TN
For at least a month, my tummy talks to me.  It gurgles really loud... doesn't hurt, and isn't accompanied with gas.. sometimes maybe.  But, I would describe it to be the sound of old plumbing pipes trying to diges****er through it...  And it finds the least desirable times to act up.  Usually in public.  Or, usually when I am trying to spend some 'quality' time with Tim. haha.  I just say "my pipes are talking to me again."


on 10/28/07 11:40 pm - Hermitage, TN
Heck, I don't know about you all but I f@rt and I'm not afraid to admit it! lol!  I poot! It's human.  I picked up some gas x strips and they have helped...I actually forgot about those and had used them pretty frequently right after my surgery.  As Susan said Friday, "I guess this is why they call it Gas-tric bypass!" lol.  Thanks for your input.
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