How is everyone?

on 10/21/07 12:00 am - Springfield, TN
 Hey Guys and Gals !  Thought I would stop in on this VERY sleepy Sunday and check in on everyone. I am working today : (  and struggling to stay awake.  Tell me what you all are up to and how you've been. I'm trying to get my kids ready for Halloween. My oldest has decided to be a female Pirate and youngest is gonna be Hannah Montanna. Costumes are so expensive!! I'm thinking it might be worth it to take up some sewing classes. I remember growing up and our costumes were nothing but plastic and those hot mask! Wow things have changed. So, tell me folks what do you all have going on?

Tara S.
on 10/21/07 12:40 am - Smyrna, TN

Hey, Girl ~

What I have been up to is taking care of one very sick little boy. Harrison, my 7-yr-old, came home from school on Wed. complaining of a really bad headache. Within 30 minutes, he had a fever that has ranged from a little over 100 to 104.8 (scary!). Friday evening was when it hit 104.8. Last night it hit 104. It has been a very strange illness. Recurring headache, some stomach cramping, some vomiting - though it's mostly phlegm, I think. The weird thing is, he wasn't even congested until last night. I guess it was all just draining down into his stomach, now he's starting to get stuffed up. I'm glad I can finally take him to the doctor tomorrow. Ya know, they say until they've had a fever for 3 days, just treat it - that it's probably a virus. Well, yesterday afternoon was our "three days". Of course I can't take him in today, but you can bet we'll be there first thing in the morning! As far as Halloween goes, I'm so over it! Last year, it rained and we couldn't go trick or treating. So, I had my husband stop by the store and get some candy. He also picked up a Mad Monster Bash movie. We dumped the candy in the middle of the floor, and let the kids help themselves while we watched the movie. I told my husband the other day --- I think we started a tradition without even knowing it! We have 2 boys (9, 7) and there are no costumes out there that meet the criteria of 1) my kids wanting it and 2) me being willing to buy it. It's all either gruesome, horror and downright evil or spiderman, yet again. So, I think we're gonna forego t-or-t and just put on a movie, give them some of their favorite treats, and move on. Since I have started my journey, there have been next to NO "treats" in the house. I even made my husband a "sugar free" birthday cake! So it will really be a treat for the boys to have a little candy. =)  We've also discussed spending a little money on a new game or something, instead of just "junk". Anyway, I'm sure they'll love whatever they get! Sorry you have to work, but hope you have a great day anyway!       ~ Tara

on 10/21/07 12:47 am - Springfield, TN
Sorry your son is sick. Our kids are exactly the same age. I have two daughters ages 7 and 9. That is such a wonderful idea starting a new tradition and just having family time. My kids still enjoy trick or treating for noe and we usually go to my dad's neighborhood and after they get their treats they get to help my dad pass out candy to the rest of the kids which they seem to really like doing.  I took My girls recently to a farm in Springfield and they got to pick out a small pumkin each and then we got a large one as well. We had fun together and I think it is something we will do from now on.

(deactivated member)
on 10/21/07 3:58 am - Greenfield, TN
Hi Juanita,   I have already e-mailed you twice but thought I would post. I have been to church & heading to my daughters baby shower.  April my daughter would go a couple days not feeling the baby & would get scared. They told her they just do that sometimes.    As for Halloween ever since my girls were little we would T ot T with some friends who had kids. The hubbies would stay home & give out the candy. Then we would all go to pizza hut. The kids would wear their costumes. Now, all 3 girls are married. They do their own T or T then, we all meet at Pizza Hut. We have done this 20 yrs. it is a great tradition. I think this yr. hubby will be on nights but we will carry on.  Ellen
on 10/21/07 4:08 am - Springfield, TN
Hey Ellen, You know I always enjoy hearing from you. It is always fun starting or carrying on traditions. Hopefully when my kids get older it will be something they remember and pass on or do with their kids. Scary thought there, my kids having kids. I have a ways to go for that I hope. : ) Not that it is a bad thing I know you are estatic about your soon to be grandson. I am 34 and not ready to be a gramma yet plus my girls are way to young to think about that. Lord Pizza sounds really good right now. Shame on you Ellen! LOL I will have to go home and make one of the pizza's melinda taught us at the protein party. My kids love them as well as me.  Hope you all have fun at the baby shower. Take care!

Cheryl P.
on 10/21/07 2:13 am - Antioch, TN
Hey there, I'm not doing much, just trying to keep things down. I am feeling a little bit better today and was able to keep my protien shake down for breakfast. I am tempted to try tomato soup for lunch, I am a little scared to try it but I am sooo hungry, Nothing has really stayed down since Wed. night. But I think I am on the road to getting back on track, I am still calling the Dr. first thing in the morning to see what he wants to do. Bummer that you are working, I just hopefully one day I can go back to work. I was with the same company for 31 years, when I had to to LTD back in Nov. It was the first and only job that I had. I started right out of high school and was there until last year. That was rough on my for sure leaving that "family". As far as Holloween, well my boys are 21&26 so I don't think I will be going T or T. My hubby is a HUGE holiday kinda of guy. He has the house all decorated with lights, bows, and blow-ups. After this comes down he will start on Christmas, not sure if he is going to go all out like he usually does. We are going to Gatlinburg the week before Christmas for our Anniversary, so we are not going to be home alot, so I am trying to keep him on a low scale this year. Well the dishwasher is done and so is the dryer, so they are calling my name, dang them.



on 10/21/07 2:30 am - Springfield, TN
Hey Lady, Glad you are feeling a little better. Not sure about the tomato soup, you can always give it a try. Hope it works for you. Tell your hubby when he is done with your house he can decorate mine. : )    I only pout out a pumkin so far but oh well. Darn clothes and dishes they get you every time. Have a good day!

on 10/21/07 3:28 am - Springfield, TN

Hey Juanita! That stinks you have to is such a pretty day!

I got up this morning with every intention of going to church. I had my hair done and makeup on and clothes picked out. I realized that it was almost 9 and my husband hadn't gotten home yet from work. I ended up calling him to see where he was...I was getting worried. At any rate, he said he wasn't feeling good so I decided to stay home to baby him. He appreciated it very much and we got to spend a little time together even though he wasn't feeling good.

Nicholas is bouncing away in his little amniotic home. I was a little worried a few days ago when he didn't move for almost 2 days. My husband's co-worker's wife went through the same thing and she worried herself all the time, so they bought one of those fetal heart doppler monitors. They let us borrow it until the end of my pregnancy. I was sooo relieved to hear his heart just beating away! I listen to it everyday now lol I could spend all day listening to it. I'm feeling pretty good otherwise. Energy levels are going back up... I've been cleaning and cooking like crazy lately (nesting so soon??) but I'm sure that won't last lol I haven't gotten enough gumption to make back to the gym though I have been walking on the treadmill at home.

I think I'm going to go to my mother in laws a little later. I have to get a list of addresses to send out baby shower invitations to hubby's side of the family. Then, I'll probably go get a couple of pumpkins and put out my fall decorations. This is my favorite time of year! As for halloween, no dressing up for me lol :-) When my brothers and I were kids, we always "made" our costumes. Threw old clothes together and just bought the face paint. One year, my younger brother dressed up in one of my mom's old 80s dresses (fuschia pink shimmery, slinky, kind of dress) and my mom's makeup. It was a little "odd" but he looked so funny lol

I hope you're doing well otherwise than having to work Juanita! *hugs* Take care.



on 10/21/07 3:37 am - Springfield, TN
It's good you were able to stay home and baby your hubby. You guys probably get very little quality time so it's worth it when you can spend time together. My schedule changed so I have not been to Church in a while on Sunday and I miss it. Glad you have a fetal monitor that must be so cool to be able to hear baby nicholas whenver you want. There are several pregnant ladies here at work who had the same thing happen. Sometimes those little guys just want to rest but not very good for the mommies worrying. I went to the Ymca yesterday and over did I think I am really sore today. It is strange after all this time working out I still get sore from time to time. Wow you brought back memories talking about the way you  and your brother used old clothes for Halloween. We did that as well sometimes and it wa sso fun but no one ever knew what we were supposed to be. : )  You take care of hubby, yourself and little Nicholas!

on 10/21/07 6:11 am - Nashville, TN
Hey Juanita,  Sorry you have to work!  Well, we got up this morning and went to church, then home to cook and clean.  I am trying a Sugar Free Pumpkin Cheesecake recipe I found.  I will have to take pictures and post later on today.  Other than that, nothing happening here.  At times, I think I would rather be at work than cleaning.   As for T & T, we always go to my Dad's house in Laverne.  The number of kids have shrunk over the years, but is still a good time.  My MIL swears she is a witch,,,who am I to disagree with her.  Anyway, at one time they had over 200 kids stop by for treats.  the Laverne Police horse patrol keeps the streets safe.  I think my favorite part is the entire neighborhood gets dressed up.  R.J. looks forward to Mama Jo's chili.  I think this will be our last time to T & T.  At least if I have my way it will be! Have a good, I'm sorry a not so bad day at work!
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