Has anyone heard from Kathy
She is heading back today, She isnt doing well I offered tio drive back but she wouldnt let me, Her leg is really infect the cipro isnt working, she see her surgeon monday but i dont think she should wait she needs to go to the ER shere she had her surgery as soon as she gets into town.
Please keep prayer for her.
I hope to hear from her too.
Thank you Barb and Annrenee. I'm still alive and kicking. I loaded my van yesterday of anything that was important, like dishes, linens, winter clothes, pan, misc. all by myself. Right leg is doing fine, the left isn't. I took the drain tube out a few minutes ago. Nothing was draining from it, that took some of the pain out. It's still infected along with 3 other places. But I just need to take my shower and load up my things from being here and hit the road. I am keeping them clean, putting Bacatration (sp) on them and putting clean bandaging on them. Only 2 more days on the Cipro, see my surgeon on Monday and hopefully she will do something to help heal the infection, and give me some more pain pills. I'm just about out and this leg throbs constantly.
Thanks for the prayers. With my love, kathy

Hi Juanita, I saw my surgeon on Monday. The left leg is still very infected, the right one although is still sore is healing nicely, it just sore where the cut is. The left one is infected all along the cut, has caused the inside stitches to bust open and become infected. It's not staph. She gave me some ointment for the infection and some more pain pills because I could barely walk on it with severe pain. I keep it wrapped and propped up. Still having to sleep in a recliner as I am unable to get down to the floor to sleep on my air mattress. At least it's comfortable.
I will recover from this. My body has just been thru so much that my blood counts like the white cells aren't high enough to fight infections on their own. I see my oncologist and get more lab work done on Friday and go from there. Thank you so much. I plan on being at the next luncheon. Lord willing and the creek doesn't rise.
Love ya

Hi Amber, that's my sister's name. My best advice is to work hard to tone your thighs more. More walking or the tread mill, the bike, what ever it takes. I wasn't able to do any excercise for a year because of my health. So I had to have mine done. Biggest regret. But too late now. I have 5 minutes left on the computer library. My feelings may change after I heal, but for now, I wish I had never had it done. Worse then the tummy tuck.
Best of luck on your new journey, God be with you, Kathy