had a little scare - ER
I wasn't going to post this but I figured someone would find out and I'd be in trouble for not telling.
Yesterday morning I started having some pain kind of like a dumping episode but different too. It got better so about an hour later I went to lunch. I had eaten about 4 bites and I started having chest pains like I had been kicked by a mule. I sat there for about 20 minutes more hoping it would pass and finally went back to my office, against the wishes of my tablemates.
Once back in my office, pain continued and finally got to the point that I felt something might be truly wrong. I called Dr. Spaw's office because I knew my PCP was closed for lunch. He told me to go to the ER and that he was calling to tell them I was on my way. My boss was out sick so I called the Financial Services supervisor on the floor above me to let him know I needed to leave and he came and drove me to the ER.
Let me tell you...I have never been hustled through an ER so fast as a walk in. The first chair my butt hit was for an EKG. I moved from there to a treatment room for monitoring, xray, bloodwork, nitro patch...my husband hadn't even had time to get to the hospital yet.
They finally sent me up for a treadmill stress test and echocardiogram. Results of everything looked good, "no cardiac episode detected". I do have to follow up with a cardiologist though.
They said I may have had esophogeal spasms that caused something to get stuck. The nitro might have then relaxed things enough for what was stuck to move down. I was just glad the pain stopped and that it doesn't seem to be my heart. The ER doc sent me home with a prescription for Prilosec twice per day. He also wanted me to add an aspirin each day and I told him I can't take aspirin. I will check with Dr. Spaw before I fill the Prilosec to make sure he wouldn't prefer something else. I already take Pepcid so he may just increase that.
On the up side, the lady who checked me in and ran the EKG was asking questions while she hooked me up and when I told her I had gastric bypass 20 months ago she told me she had the lapband back in March. We had a little WOW moment there. It is truly a small world!
Also, I got up to 85% on the treadmill before I even started breathing hard! Two years ago I would have been out of breath just stepping onto the thing.
So, 2 thumbs up for the Baptist ER! I stopped on the way out to thank the first lady and the guy who did the triage. I'd already gotten to thank the other folks in the back.
I feel fine this morning and was able to eat a light meal with no problem last night.
Moral of this saga? Don't ignore chest pain! At no time was I made to feel like I had over reacted. In fact, I think they took it to be more serious than I did. Even after they told me it did not appear to be my heart, they still moved forward with the stress test to make sure.
Susan (AKA bilsrib)
300/135/135 - Plastics February 2008 - Dr. Lois Wagstrom
P E A C E - It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.
(deactivated member)
on 10/17/07 10:38 pm - Greenfield, TN
on 10/17/07 10:38 pm - Greenfield, TN
Glad you are o:k, I know you must have been scared.
I am happy everything checked out ok.Yes, you are right - do not ignore your symptoms. Especially us women. We tend to ignore "small" problems with our bodies and just assume it will go away and then something severe could happen (hence my emergency surgery on my gallbladder and bile duct). I really think we need to pay attention to our bodies and not be to worried to go get checked out when we feel something is wrong. You did the right thing and I am relieved to know it was not your heart. Hopefully the prescriptions will help and you do not have to go through that agian. HUGS!
159 (current/post-pregnancy)
150 (Goal)
I am glad things are alright, I too had problems with my ESOPHOGEAL I had spasms for over 2 months before they figuerd out what it was and yes it does feel like it could be a heart attack, I was on nitro pills when they started, I am so glad you are alright but if it happends again and it might go to er just like4 you did this time you never know,
Hugs Annrenee
Hey Susan, so glad to hear all is ok, you done the righ thing 4sure. I have trouble reminding my mom to pay attention to her body, she has had several episodes and never bother's to tell anyone until we are on the way to the hospital, because finally the pain got as she says "bad enough". She is dong fine now, but I still worry about her. Keep taking care of yourself and keep us posted. Cheryl