Hello OH Family!!!
Yes, it is me..I have been a very bad keeper upper!
I have had so much going on the last few weeks I barely know my own name!!
I have dropped around 30 pounds since I started my journey on my diet.. I am hovering right around there..that is usually just about all I can take off.... but I am trying really hard.
I go for my weigh in tomorrow.
I am wondering, since my six month diet requirement won't be over until after january when should I make the appointment to visit the hospital and get started with my doctor? ( I mean when do I make the appointment to get signed up as a client/patient?)
I think I am going to go through Baptist. My dad had his at Centennial and really liked the doctors but the hospital stay was another matter. He wasn't unhappy but not overy impressed by it.
He was put in Baptist becuase of complications (later on) (his insurance wouldn't cover Centennial, but they would Baptist) he and my mom were made very happy by the staff at baptist.
I was just happy they treated both of my parents with respect and courstey.
Daddy is a hard man to get along with when he is sick and for him to tell me that he only had two bad nights out of the three weeks he was there (on and off) that isn't so bad.
So I guess I have made up my mind, I guess I just need to find out what my next step is.
This is a place I have never gotten to before...I am anxious and a little scared but I am ready!!!!
I know I need to attend a certain amount of support meetings, anyone with any info that can help please e-mail me and I really appreciate it!!!!!
God bless you all,

Congratulations on losing the 30 pounds! We all know how hard that is to do.
The first thing you will need to do to start the process is to attend a seminar, either in person or online. Call the Baptist clinic and talk to them about how to proceed. The number is: 615-284-2400
You will find all of the doctors at Baptist to be very supportive and encouraging as well as being highly skilled surgeons. I have been extremely pleased with every aspect of my journey with them. I happen to just LOVE my surgeon and think he is the best. But the others are very good too and their patients love them. You will have to select the surgeon who is the best fit for you.
Good luck!!
Susan (AKA bilsrib)
300/135/135 - Plastics February 2008 - Dr. Lois Wagstrom
P E A C E - It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.
Congrats Tina on your weight loss so far. I would go ahead and get started now with the hospital of your choice. You normally will have to go to a seminar first before they will even schedule you a consult appointment. Three months is not a lot of time (especially around holiday season). You will have to go through several tests so you might as well get started now so that you can all of those out of the way and be ready to submit for insurance in January when your 6 months are up. Keep us updated on your approval. It has been a long time coming for you.
159 (current/post-pregnancy)
150 (Goal)
Thanks so much for all the info.I am getting semi excited.I just have to keep the realization in my mind to not fall apart if I am denied.... I will just have to keep on trying until I get it.I am more than sure I will be around more and more as I ask questions and such.You guys are the best!!!!!
I thank God for this site and for each of you!
I thank God for this site and for each of you!

Hi Tina,
Congrats on the weight loss.
Just wanted to let you know that Dr. Spaw from Baptist is going to be at the Leslie Town Center on Nov. 13 @ 6:00 right here in Cookeville.
I have already attended one of their semminars but it was with Dr. Lynch. As I am wanting to have the D.S. & Dr. Spaw is the only doctor in Tn. who does it, I am going to attend this one.
I'm sure there will be something in the paper about it also.
Hope to see ya there.
Later, Susan O'
Hi Tina!
It is so nice to see a post from you again! I agree with everyone so far...yes, you probably want to go ahead and get started by attending a seminar. I had my surgery done at Baptist (like Susan) and naturally I believe that my surgeon (Dr. Spaw) is the absolute best! As a matter of fact...if you want to meet the folks at Baptist...those of us in the support group have been asked to bring a guest to our next meeting (November 6th at 5:30 p.m.) If you would like to attend I'd love to take you as my guest. Or if Rhonda is coming...you could come with her and check it out.
Whatever you decide, I think that you will be happy with your choice at Baptist. Those folks have become my second family! I love the staff, my surgeon and the wonderful patients with whom I have become associated.
Big supportive smile!
Tina, I have been missing you! Welcome back. I am planning on having my surgery at Centennial, but have heard nothing but good things about Baptist. I know Freddie, susan, Shelia, and all the others there will not let anything bad happen! Anyway, they better not! Hang in there and good to have you back!
If nothing happens, I will be attending the seminar in cookeville, when dr. spaw comes next month.
I won't be able to get to Baptist until then (around the first week) but that is okay...I am still far enough out that I have time.
I will look for my OH friends and by all means if you recognize me please don't hesitate to walk up and introduce yourself..... I am really bad with remember people's names and faces so please don't be offended if I don't remember you right off... that is what happens with my poor brain....it was too starved of oxygen I guess....LOL
Looking forward to getting everything taken care of....and Amy is a doll!!! She was so sweet when I spoke to her on the phone at baptist.
We are so blessed to have such great folks around us.
God bless you all!