Food Help
I need some food ideas........I'm not eaing very much at all......but now I'm a little hungry and can't come up with anything to eat....please help....
Went to the Dr. for 30 day visit and (i've never said my weight on here) surgery day 558 and on Thursday weighed 496......62 lbs.... I about passed out.
Whoo hoo. 62 Pounds in 30 days. That is fantastic. Keep up the great work. I know right now, your main focus is protein. My favorite thing at that stage was the chicken in the can (like the tuna can). Because it was in water/juices so it was soft. I would blend it with some lite mayo or mustard and some spices. So it was like chicken salad consistenacy. You can also do tuna fish the same way. If you like fish. they also have the flavored salmon in the pouches (flavors like Lemon Pepper). Those are soft and really HIGH in protein. I also would make devilled eggs (hard boil the eggs and then mix the yellows with some mayo and mustart and relish and fill the egg whites) and I would eat a lot of pintos beans with cheese. You can get the refried beans in a can and heat them up with some cheese on top. Those were really good and high in protein. You can also take some ricotta cheese and put a little low fat/no sugar added pasta sauce (Ragu has the best one) on top of the ricotta and some mozzerela cheese and stick in the microwave for about a minute to heat it up and that is pretty good (like lasagna without the meat or noodles). I hope you find some things you like. That is a hard stage but not much longer and you will have a lot more food choices. Hang in there and make sure you are trying to eat.
159 (current/post-pregnancy)
150 (Goal)
Wow! Congratulations on your weight loss! I am so happy for you! As for your eating, does anything sound good to you? Personally I ate homemade turkey chili, egg salad, chicken salad, lots of eggs and cheese, protein pudding etc. You might also look on the site at the recipe section. Susan Maria has recipes for every stage of our surgery.
Good luck to you and again, congratulations!
Soft stage is very hard to get variety but like the other said scrambled eggs, refried beans are very good in protein and easy to eat. Also the Vienna sausages are good because they are soft and have some protein not alot though. Just don't make the same mistake I did and load up on mashed potatoes they are very high in carbs and hardly any protein. Mac and cheese may be another good option but again the carbs come into play. I have heard of people eating baby food, I personally never did but it may be an option for you. I ate with baby spoon at first it helps with the size of bites as so you will not eat to much at a time. Good luck!!
Have you tried FF refried beans & cheese? I added a spoonful of enchilada sauce (like Taco Bell does) to add a bit more flavor as well as to thin it just a bit. Heat it up and prepare to be a happy camper.
I also used the Campbell's Chunky soups. I would puree the entire can and only heat what I was going to eat at a sitting. My favorite was Chunky Sirloin Burger. It tasted like adult food and still had a little bit of texture to it.
I did try the baby food...YECCH!!
You are doing an amazing job! 62 lbs in your first month?? WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You'll be changing your name to slimflip before you know it.
Susan (AKA bilsrib)
300/135/135 - Plastics February 2008 - Dr. Lois Wagstrom
P E A C E - It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.