trying to get well
Hello……..damn it has been a long time…………………………..26 days….I went in on 9/10 and stayed until 9/17…….the surgery was great………….. Dr.Sass was great the surgery was lyposcopic(sp)………………the extra days were because of a kidney issue…….Was home 4 days having a good time and woke up Saturday couldn’t breathe ….went to the emergeny room told I have pneumonia …… that’s where I’m at with more physical complications…..but I’m trying to keep my head up.
I've been concerned about you and it is indeed good to hear that you are on the road to recovery. I'm right behind you and I know it can be a little bumpy at times. Hang in there and keep looking forward. Things get a little better every day. Just take care of yourself, people out here care for you and I wish you the very best....Kathy